API Project: Timestamp Microservice for freeCodeCamp

User stories:

  1. The API endpoint is GET [project_url]/api/timestamp/:date_string?.
  2. A date string is valid if it can be successfully parsed by new Date(date_string) (JS). Note that unix timestamp needs to be an integer (not a string) specifying milliseconds. The date string is assumed to be compliant with ISO-8601.
  3. If the date string is empty it should use the current timestamp.
  4. If the date string is valid the API returns a JSON that looks like {"unix": <date.getTime()>, "utc": <date.toUTCString()>}.
  5. If the date string is invalid the API returns {"unix": null, "utc": "Invalid Date"}.

Example usage:

  • /api/timestamp/2015-12-15
  • /api/timestamp/1450137600000
    • { "unix": 1450137600, "natural": "December 15, 2015" }