
Prototype driver assist based on Raspberry Pi hardware

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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Raspberry Pi Driver Assist

A standalone driver assist unit based on Raspberry Pi hardware and OpenCV libraries

Daytime driving conditions

Nighttime driving conditions

Rainy driving conditions

This project is an attempt to create a standalone, windshield mounted driver assist unit with the following functionality:

  • LDW (Lane Departure Warning)
  • FCW (Forward Collision Warning)
  • Tailgate warning
  • Driver pull-ahead warning
  • Dashcam functionality (with GPS & timestamp overlay)


Debian (Jessie):



Part List:

  • Raspberry Pi v3
  • 8gb (or greater) class 10 SD card
  • Rasbperry Pi v2.1 camera with cable
  • LidarLite (v3) LIDAR rangefinder
  • Adafruit Ultimate GPS
  • GPS antenna and adapter
  • 5" HDMI 800x480 screen
  • Flexible HDMI elbow
  • Buzzer
  • Female DC barrel jack connector
  • Cigarette adapter with male DC barrel connector
  • 68000000uF 16V capacitor
  • Power LED
  • 3D printed or other fabricated housing
  • Custom made breadboard
    • DC:DC buck poswer supply, 12V to 5V
    • 40-pin female header
    • 12V relay
    • Various resistors, diodes, male and female header pins

Third party libraries


  • OpenCv 3.1.0
  • Raspicam 0.1.3
  • WiringPi 2.29

Release History

  • 0.0.1
    • Work in progress


Nathan Greco – LinkedInNathan.Greco@gmail.com

Distributed under the GNU GPL 3.0 license. See LICENSE for more information.
