
This application has the function of calculating the Maximum Inspiratory Pressure, Maximum Expiratory Pressure and percentage of muscle strength of maximal respiratory pressures in adults.

Primary LanguageVue

PePiX Helper

Application URL: https://kevencarneiro.github.io/pepix-helper/

Sobre / About

Este aplicativo tem como função cálculo da Pressão Inspiratória Máxima (PIMax), Pressão Expiratória Maxima (PEMax) e porcentagem de força muscular das pressões respiratórias máxima de pacientes adultos do sexo feminino e masculino, utilizando informações como idade, sexo e o valor do teste obtido pelo Fisioterapeuta e contando com fórmulas descritas na literatura de Neder (1999).

This application has the function of calculating the Maximum Inspiratory Pressure, Maximum Expiratory Pressure and percentage of muscle strength of maximal respiratory pressures in female and male adult patients, using information such as age, sex and the value of the test obtained by the Physiotherapist and relying on formulas described in Neder's literature (1999).

Please note that at this moment this application is avaliable only in Portuguese

Autores / Authors

  • Alexa Rodrigues Garcia Santos (UNIBH)
  • Aline Assis Pereira Carvalho (UNIBH)
  • Carolina de Oliveira Sabino (UNIBH)
  • Cíntia Oliveira (UNIBH)
  • Douglas Adão Xavier dos Reis Soares (UNIBH)
  • Keila Machado de Souza (UNIBH)
  • Keven de Nascimento Carneiro (UNIFOR)
  • Luiza Cristina Dias Moreira (UNIBH)
  • Rafael Lopes Pereira (UNIBH)

Getting started with development

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn run build

Run your tests

yarn run test

Lints and fixes files

yarn run lint

Run your unit tests

yarn run test:unit

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.