
Terraform Enterprise provider

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Terraform Enterprise Provider


  • Terraform 0.10.x
  • Go 1.11 (to build the provider plugin)

Building The Provider

Clone repository to: $GOPATH/src/github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-tfe

$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/terraform-providers; cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/terraform-providers
$ git clone git@github.com:terraform-providers/terraform-provider-tfe

Enter the provider directory and build the provider

$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-tfe
$ make build

To use this provider binary, you have a few different options:

  • You can copy the provider binary to your ~/.terraform.d/plugins directory by running the following command:
    $ mv $GOPATH/bin/terraform-provider-tfe ~/.terraform.d/plugins
  • You can create your test Terraform configurations in the same directory as your provider binary or you can copy the provider binary into the same directory as your test configurations.
  • You can copy the provider binary into the same locations as your terraform binary.

To learn more about using a local build of a provider, you can look at the documentation on writing custom providers and the documentation on how Terraform plugin discovery works

Using the provider

For production use, you should constrain the acceptable provider versions via configuration, to ensure that new versions with breaking changes will not be automatically installed by terraform init in future. As this provider is still at version zero, you should constrain the acceptable provider versions on the minor version.

If you are using Terraform CLI version 0.12.x, you can constrain this provider to 0.15.x versions by adding a required_providers block inside a terraform block.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    tfe = "~> 0.15.0"

If you are using Terraform CLI version 0.11.x, you can constrain this provider to 0.15.x versions by adding the version constraint to the tfe provider block.

provider "tfe" {
  version = "~> 0.15.0"

For more information on constraining provider versions, see the provider versions documentation.

If you're building the provider, follow the instructions to install it as a plugin. After placing it into your plugins directory, run terraform init to initialize it.

Developing the Provider

If you wish to work on the provider, you'll first need Go installed on your machine (version 1.11+ is required). You'll also need to correctly setup a GOPATH, as well as adding $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH.

To compile the provider, run make build. This will build the provider and put the provider binary in the $GOPATH/bin directory.

$ make build
$ $GOPATH/bin/terraform-provider-tfe

Referencing a local version of go-tfe

You may want to create configs or run tests against a local version of go-tfe. Add the following line to go.mod above the require statement, using your local path to go-tfe.

replace github.com/hashicorp/go-tfe => /path-to-local-repo/go-tfe


1. (Optional) Create repositories for policy sets and workspaces

If you are planning to run the full suite of tests or work on workspaces or policy sets, you'll need to set up a workspace repository and a policy set repository in GitHub.

Your workspace repository will need the following:

  1. A branch other than master

Your policy set repository will need the following:

  1. A policy set stored in a subdirectory
  2. A branch other than master

2. Set up environment variables

To run all tests, you will need to set the following environment variables:


A hostname and token must be provided in order to run the acceptance tests. By default, these are loaded from the the credentials in the CLI config file. You can override these values with the environment variables specified below:

  1. TFE_HOSTNAME - URL of a Terraform Cloud or Terraform Enterprise instance to be used for testing, without the scheme. Example: tfe.local
  2. TFE_TOKEN - A user API token for an administrator account on the Terraform Cloud or Terraform Enterprise instance being used for testing.
  1. TFE_USER1 and TFE_USER2: The usernames of two pre-existing users on the Terraform Cloud or Terraform Enterprise instance being used for testing. Required for running team membership tests.
  2. GITHUB_TOKEN - GitHub personal access token. Used to establish a VCS provider connection.
  3. GITHUB_POLICY_SET_IDENTIFIER - GitHub policy set repository identifier in the format username/repository. Required for running policy set tests.
  4. GITHUB_POLICY_SET_BRANCH: A GitHub branch for the repository specified by GITHUB_POLICY_SET_IDENTIFIER. Required for running policy set tests.
  5. GITHUB_POLICY_SET_PATH: A GitHub subdirectory for the repository specified by GITHUB_POLICY_SET_IDENTIFIER. Required for running policy set tests.
  6. GITHUB_WORKSPACE_IDENTIFIER - GitHub workspace repository identifier in the format username/repository. Required for running workspace tests.
  7. GITHUB_WORKSPACE_BRANCH: A GitHub branch for the repository specified by GITHUB_WORKSPACE_IDENTIFIER. Required for running workspace tests.

You can set your environment variables up however you prefer. The following are instructions for setting up environment variables using envchain.

  1. Make sure you have envchain installed. Instructions for this can be found in the envchain README.

  2. Pick a namespace for storing your environment variables. I suggest terraform-provider-tfe or something similar.

  3. For each environment variable you need to set, run the following command:



    Set all of the environment variables at once with the following command:


3. Run the tests

Running the provider tests

With envchain:
$ envchain YOUR_NAMESPACE_HERE make test
Without envchain:
$ make test

Running all the acceptance tests

With envchain:
$ envchain YOUR_NAMESPACE_HERE make testacc
Without envchain:
$ make testacc

Running specific acceptance tests

The commands below use notification configurations as an example.

With envchain:
$ TESTARGS="-run TestAccTFENotificationConfiguration" envchain YOUR_NAMESPACE_HERE make testacc
Without envchain:
$ TESTARGS="-run TestAccTFENotificationConfiguration" make testacc

Updating the Changelog

Only update the Unreleased section. Make sure you change the unreleased tag to an appropriate version, using Semantic Versioning as a guideline.

Please use the template below when updating the changelog:

<change category>:
* **New Resource:** `name_of_new_resource` ([#123](link-to-PR))
* r/tfe_resource: description of change or bug fix ([#124](link-to-PR))

Change categories

  • BREAKING CHANGES: Use this for any changes that aren't backwards compatible. Include details on how to handle these changes.
  • FEATURES: Use this for any large new features added.
  • ENHANCEMENTS: Use this for smaller new features added.
  • BUG FIXES: Use this for any bugs that were fixed.
  • NOTES: Use this section if you need to include any additional notes on things like upgrading, upcoming deprecations, or any other information you might want to highlight.