
Generates basic CMakeLists.txt from existing source trees

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


cmakify is used to generate a starting point for a CMake-based configuration of a pre-existing source tree.

In the case where you are fine with globbing your files, then this tool probably isn't for you, but if you're looking for some kind of glorified sed, then here you go.

There are two main options; with no argument specified, a single top-level CMakeLists.txt is generated. The other is --target-per-dir wherein a CMakeLists.txt will be generated for every directory in the tree you specify. This is recommended if your source is already modularized into directories.

Of course, cmakify is not smart, so it is up to you to define target relationships, etc, after you generate the basic file lists.

Source Tree Walking Behavior

The first argument is the root of your source tree. By default, sources in all sub-folders are gathered, and a flat top-level CMakeLists.txt is generated that includes all source in a single executable target.

There are a few rules that guide this.

  1. Headers are determined by the header extension list. The default is h, hpp, and in
  2. Sources are everything else. An extension list can be specified if you want.
  3. You can use the --exclude-dir and --exclude-file to exclude directories and files from consideration, respectively. (See below)
  4. If any CMakeLists.txt are encountered in the tree, references are added to them via add_subdirectory

Excluded stuff

The arguments --exclude-dir and --exclude-file allow you to append a list of fnmatch expressions that will be used to ignore things.

These are useful if you want to ignore certain directories of your project. There are some defaults baked in, which are listed below.

Alternatively, you could just edit constants.py

Default Exclusion Lists

  • Hidden files and dirs (aka starting with ".")
  • Directories
  • *.framework
  • lib
  • libs
  • bin
  • doc
  • *.xcodeproj
  • *.xcassets
  • Files
  • *.sln
  • *.vcproj
  • *.vcxproj
  • Makefile*
  • *.lproj
  • *.a
  • *.dll
  • *.lib
  • *.exe
  • *.dylib

Future Exclusion Work

It would be smart to read .gitignore if present

CMake Dialect and Generation Behavior

cmakify will output project, add_subdirectory, list, add_executable and add_library directives.

Target Types

add_executable is used for the top level project, and add_library is used for all subdirectories. This behavior can be set to a single type using --target-type

File Macros

You can control how the files are added to your CMakeLists.txt using the --file-macro and --file-with-header-macro.


This is the normal use case. It defaults to list(APPEND {0} {1}), where

  • {0} is substituted with a CMake variable
  • {1} is substituted with the relative file path You can override this if you have a preferred way of doing things


This is a special case, and is undefined by default, which disables this behavor.

When a source file is encountered that has a matching header, and this macro is specified, then this macro will be used instead, AND, the header file will not be specified in any future directives.

The macro is the same as above, but adds

  • {2} the relative path of the header file

Probably not for everyone, but if you already have some CMake macros you use for this use case, then you can apply this.

Command Line

try ./cmakify.py -h to see this info:

usage: cmakify.py [-h] [--target-per-dir] [--target-type {executable,library}]
                  [--header [HEADER [HEADER ...]]]
                  [--source [SOURCE [SOURCE ...]]] [--project PROJECT]
                  [-xd [EXCLUDE_DIR [EXCLUDE_DIR ...]]]
                  [-xf [EXCLUDE_FILE [EXCLUDE_FILE ...]]]
                  [--file-macro FILE_MACRO]
                  [--file-with-header-macro FILE_WITH_HEADER_MACRO]
                  [--no-recurse] [--dump-sources]

cmakify is used to generate a starting point for a CMake-based configuration
of a pre-existing source tree.

positional arguments:
  path                  the working path to generate CMakeLists.txt for

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --target-per-dir      when specified, each directory will be treated as a
                        target, and a CMakeLists.txt will be placed in each
  --target-type {executable,library}
                        when set, overrides the target type selection.
  --header [HEADER [HEADER ...]]
                        specify the file extension(s) for header files.
  --source [SOURCE [SOURCE ...]]
                        when set, specifies the source file extension(s). By
                        default, everything that is not a header is considered
  --project PROJECT     the name of the project for CMake. If not set, the
                        path's directory name will be used. targets will be
                        generated in the format of "<project>-<dir>"
  -xd [EXCLUDE_DIR [EXCLUDE_DIR ...]], --exclude-dir [EXCLUDE_DIR [EXCLUDE_DIR ...]]
                        ignore directories matching the specified pattern(s).
  -xf [EXCLUDE_FILE [EXCLUDE_FILE ...]], --exclude-file [EXCLUDE_FILE [EXCLUDE_FILE ...]]
                        ignore files matching the specified pattern(s).
  --file-macro FILE_MACRO
                        for each file to be added, use this macro for the line
                        in the generated CMakeLists.txt. {0} is replaced with
                        the variable, {1} is the current file. DEFAULT IS:
                        "list(APPEND {0} {1})"
  --file-with-header-macro FILE_WITH_HEADER_MACRO
                        if specified, and a source file has a matching header
                        file in the directory, this macro will be used instead
                        of file-macro. Same syntax, but with the addition of
                        {2} which is the header file. In addition, the header
                        file will not be included in a separate directive.
  --no-recurse          specify to disable directory recursion. disables
  --dump-sources        specify to dump the gathered source information to