
Stash Mercurial uncommitted changes. Simple, safe, and branch-friendly.

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Stash Mercurial uncommitted changes. Simple, safe, and branch-friendly.


hg shelve can destroy your work, especially if you're working on multiple branches. mq is too much when all you need is a simple shelve tool.

The simpler and safer solution is to shelve using patch files. This script is a thin wrapper around built-in Mercurial commands for importing and exporting patch files.


usage: jig [options] command [name]

Stash Mercurial working directory changes.
Simple, safe, and branch-friendly.

  stash             export changes to a patch file
  unstash           import changes from a patch file
  list              list patch files
  show              show the contents of a patch file

  name              name of the patch file to use
                    (excluding file extension)
                    (defaults to the current branch name)

  -h, --help        print this text and exit
  -f, --force       overwrite an existing patch file


If you're worried that this script is going to destroy your repository and run rm -rf /, I recommend looking over the script. At about 100 LOC it makes for a quick read. Here's the gist:


jig stash essentially runs:

hg diff > $patchfile
hg revert --all


jig unstash essentially runs:

hg import --no-commit $patchfile


First, ensure the jig script is in your $PATH; either mv/cp the script or add your repo clone to your $PATH.

To use jig like a Mercurial sub-command, add aliases to your hgrc:

stash    = !jig stash $@
unstash  = !jig unstash $@
jig-list = !jig list $@
jig-show = !jig show $@

See Also