EKS Sample Deploy

This repository contains source code to provision a sample EKS Cluster to AWS AWS using Terraform.

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a managed Kubernetes service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It simplifies the process of running Kubernetes clusters on AWS infrastructure.

The Kubernetes cluster will run podinfo application and a sample nodejs application with mongodb (Grade Book App)

Infrastructure Setup with Terraform

This sample deployment of EKS is deployed on a default region in ap-southeast-1. This infrastrucature consist of one main VPC and 2 public and private subnets for each availability zones ("ap-southeast-1a", "ap-southeast-1b"). The EKS cluster is named test-eks and has a public and private nodegroups.

To setup the infrastructure go to IaC directory and run the commands below, make sure that you have Terraform installed and AWS Account is configured in your local machine.

Guide on how to install terraform (Install Terraform) Guide on how to setup AWS CLI (Setup AWS)

cd IaC
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

This will create the AWS EKS cluster in your AWS account.

Terraform templates

templates Description
providers.tf Configures the providers, in the provider file for this project AWS is set with a default region of ap-southeast-1
eks.tf Defines the resources and configurations for an Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) cluster. This also where the 2 public nodegroups and 1 private nodegroup is defined
iam.tf This is where the required Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles, policies, and permissions for the EKS cluster is defined
network.tf Specifies the network settings, such as VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), subnets, routing, and gateways. There is one main vpc and a default 2 public and private subnets for each availability zones. This could be modified in the sing variables
sg.tf Sets up Security Groups to control inbound and outbound traffic for resources to allow access and traffice to the application deployed in the EKS cluster


Using variables you can modify some of the parameters of the EKS cluster

Variable Name Type Default Value Description
eks_cluster_name string The name of the EKS cluster
environment_tag string Environment tag for the VPC
vpc_cidr_block string CIDR block range for the VPC
private_subnet_cidr_blocks list(string) ["", ""] CIDR block range for the private subnet
public_subnet_cidr_blocks list(string) ["", ""] CIDR block range for the public subnet
availability_zones list(string) ["ap-southeast-1a", "ap-southeast-1b"] List of availability zones for the selected region
region string ap-southeast-1 AWS region to deploy to


This file defines the output values that will be shown after Terraform applies the configuration.

Output Name Description Value
cluster_endpoint Endpoint for EKS control plane aws_eks_cluster.main.endpoint
region AWS region var.region
cluster_name Kubernetes Cluster Name aws_eks_cluster.main.name

Connect to the Kubernetes cluster

After the terraform apply run successfully. You can now connect to your cluster using the command below:

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name test-eks --region ap-southeast-1

Application Deployment on Kubernetes

Once you are connected to the Kubernetes cluster you can now run deployments and provision application. To start provisioning you can take podinfo as your example application.


Install nginx ingress using this guide (Install Nginx ingress).

Or simply run this command

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/controller-v1.8.2/deploy/static/provider/cloud/deploy.yaml


In the podinfo directory. You can see manifests files that are defined with numerical prefix. This is to ensure that the application of each manifests files is in the correct order.

File Name Description
01-podinfo-ns.yaml Namespace for Podinfo. Namespace name is defined as podinfo
02-podinfo-deployment.yaml Deployment for Podinfo. This is where we define the container image to use and expose the port 9898 to access the web ui of the application.
03-podinfo-hpa.yaml Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. This is where the autoscaling rules are defined. Maximum number of pods is 4 and minimum number is 2
04-podinfo-svc.yaml Service for Podinfo. This is where the service port 9898 is exposed in type NodePort
05-podinfo-ingress.yaml Ingress for Podinfo. This is where we expose the service into an nginx ingress. Make sure that nginx ingress controller is installed in the cluster to publicly access this

Run this command to get the loadbalancer public address to access the application.

kubectl get ingress -n podinfo


This directory uses a sample application based from (Grade Book App).

The manifests files are defined with numerical prefix to also ensure that the application of each manifests files are in the correct order.

File Name Description
01-namespace.yaml Namespace for grade-book-nodejs. Namespace name is defined as gradebook-app
02-deployment.yaml Deployment for grade-book-nodejs and mongodb database. Mongo deployment have a volume mount of mongo-storage and exposed port of 27107 and uses the mongo image. The nodeapp deployment exposes port 3000 and uses the image kevinjake/node-gradebook-app
03-svc.yaml Service for Podinfo. Mongo service port is 27107 is exposed in type NodePort. Nodeapp service port is 3000 is exposed in type NodePort
04-ingress.yaml Ingress for Podinfo. This is where we expose the service into an nginx ingress. Make sure that nginx ingress controller is installed in the cluster to publicly access this. The application is accessible in a <alb address>/grade-book-nodejs

Run this command to get the loadbalancer public address to access the application.

kubectl get ingress -n gradebook-app

To test the app please refer to this section Testing


  • The tfstate or the terraform state of this sample deployment is stored only locally. We can use configure the backend to use cloud providers to store the data state files and have a more persisted and in-sync state.
  • We can also implement a module approach on deploying our EKS cluster there a lot of modules that we can use one is using the official module from terraform and AWS: AWS EKS Terraform module.
  • We can also define the Kubernetes resources in our terraform template for an extended management of our Kubernetes cluster within terraform.
  • For Kubernetes manifests files, we can simply make helm charts to make it easier to organize and make the manifests files reusable.
  • We can also implement a CI/CD pipeline, possibly using Jenkins or Github Actions, that will automatically update our cluster when a git push happened within the Grade Book Application.
  • There are still a security improvement that we can do by specifying the security groups and also isolating pods into private nodes. Example of these are those pods that are not supposed to be accessed by the public like mongodb.

Clean up

To clean everything just follow the commands below

kubectl delete -f k8s/podinfo
kubectl delete -f k8s/grade-book-app

kubectl config unset current-context

cd IaC
terraform destroy