
openai4s - OpenAI Client for Scala

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


openai4s - OpenAI Client for Scala

openai4s is OpenAI client for functional programming.


Here is an example Scala script with scala-cli in Scala 2.

First of all you need to set the following environment variables


If you don't have the API key yet, you should generate it first. Visit OpenAI's account page to do it.


//> using scala "2.13.12"
//> using options -Xsource:3
//> using dep "org.typelevel::cats-core:2.10.0"
//> using dep "io.kevinlee::openai4s-core:0.1.0-alpha9"
//> using dep "io.kevinlee::openai4s-config:0.1.0-alpha9"
//> using dep "io.kevinlee::openai4s-api:0.1.0-alpha9"
//> using dep "io.kevinlee::openai4s-http4s:0.1.0-alpha9"
//> using dep "com.github.pureconfig::pureconfig-cats-effect:0.17.4"

import cats.data.NonEmptyList
import cats.effect.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import fs2.io.net.Network
import org.http4s.Uri as H4sUri
import org.http4s.ember.client.EmberClientBuilder

import scala.concurrent.duration.*

import eu.timepit.refined.types.*
import openai4s.api.ApiCore
import openai4s.api.chat.ChatApi
import openai4s.config.OpenAiConfig
import openai4s.http.HttpClient
import openai4s.types.common.*
import openai4s.types.chat.*
import eu.timepit.refined.auto.*

object MyAiApp extends IOApp.Simple {

  override def run: IO[Unit] =

  def runChat[F[*] : Async : Network]: F[Unit] = {
    for {
      openAiConfig <- pureconfig.module.catseffect.loadConfigF[F, OpenAiConfig]

      _ <- EmberClientBuilder
        .use { client =>

          val httpClient = HttpClient(client)

          for {
            openAiApiUri <- Sync[F]
            apiCore = ApiCore(openAiConfig.apiKey, httpClient)
            chatApi = ChatApi(openAiApiUri, apiCore)

            chat = Chat(
              model = Model.gpt_4_1106_Preview,
              messages = NonEmptyList.of(
                    "Jane is faster than Joe. Joe is faster than Sam. Is Sam faster than Jane? Explain your reasoning step by step."
              temperature = Temperature(0.1f).some,
              maxTokens = none,
            _ <- Sync[F].delay(println(show"Sending $chat"))
            response <- chatApi.completion(chat)
            _ <- Sync[F].delay(println(show"Response: $response"))
          } yield ()
    } yield ()



scala-cli run openai4s-app.scala
Compiling project (Scala 2.13.12, JVM (17))
Compiled project (Scala 2.13.12, JVM (17))
Sending Chat(model = Gpt_4_1106_Preview, messages = NonEmptyList(Message(role = user, content = Jane is faster than Joe. Joe is faster than Sam. Is Sam faster than Jane? Explain your reasoning step by step.)), temperature = Some(0.1), maxTokens = None)
Response: Response(id = chatcmpl-8P7iVpvBTbAC49gsw2lDXKMAG06KJ, object = chat.completion, created = 2023-11-26T11:35:55Z, model = Gpt_4_1106_Preview, usage = Usage(promptTokens = 32, completionTokens = 163, totalTokens = 195), choices = List(Choice(message = Message(role = assistant, content = To determine if Sam is faster than Jane, we can analyze the given information step by step:

1. We are told that "Jane is faster than Joe." This establishes a relationship where Jane > Joe in terms of speed.

2. Next, we are told that "Joe is faster than Sam." This establishes another relationship where Joe > Sam in terms of speed.

3. To compare Sam and Jane, we can use the transitive property of inequality, which states that if A > B and B > C, then A > C.

4. Applying the transitive property to the relationships we have:

   Since Jane > Joe and Joe > Sam, we can infer that Jane > Sam.

Therefore, based on the given information, Sam is not faster than Jane. In fact, Jane is faster than Sam.), finishReason = stop, index = 0)))