
Serialize swift object to JSON object.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Ditto CI Status Version Carthage Swift Pacakge Manager License

Ditto allows you to serialize your swift object to JSON object compatible dictionary.


  • Customizable mapping.
  • Auto mapping with frequently used mapping style.
  • Custom type convertible supported.
  • Nested serializable.


  • Xcode 8.0+
  • Swift 3.0



pod 'Ditto-Swift'


github "kevin0571/Ditto"

Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .Package(url: "https://github.com/kevin0571/Ditto.git", majorVersion: 1)


import Ditto

struct ExampleStruct {
    let string = "string"
    let anotherString = "anotherString"
    let int = 1
    let url = URL(string: "https://github.com")

extension ExampleStruct: Serializable {
    func serializableMapping() -> Mapping {
        return [
            "string": "str",
            "int": "integer",
            "url": "url"

// Serialize ExampleStruct
let exampleStruct = ExampleStruct()

// To Dictionary
let jsonObject: JSONObject = exampleStruct.serialize()
let jsonArray: [JSONObject] = [exampleStruct, exampleStruct].serialize()
 "jsonObject" will be a dictionary with content:
    "str": "string",
    "integer": 1,
    "url": "https://github.com"
 note that "anotherString" is not being serialized,
 becuase mapping of "anotherString" is not defined in "serializableMapping".
// To String
let jsonObjectString: String = exampleStruct.serialize()

// To Data
let jsonObjectData: Data = exampleStruct.serialize()

Auto Mapping

Available auto mapping styles: lowercaseSeparatedByUnderScore, lowercase, lowerCamelCase, upperCamelCase

extension ExampleStruct: Serializable {
    func serializableMapping() -> Mapping {
        return AutoMapping.mapping(
            for: self, 
            style: .lowercaseSeparatedByUnderScore

// Serialize ExampleStruct with auto mapping
let exampleStruct = ExampleStruct()
let jsnObject = exampleStruct.serialize()
 "jsonObject" will be a dictionary with content:
    "string": "string",
    "another_string": "anotherString",
    "int": 1,
    "url": "https://github.com"

Custom Type Convertible

class CustomClass {
    let string = "string"
    let int = 1
    private var converted: String {
        return "Converted to: \(string), \(int)"

extension CustomClass: Convertible {
    func convert() -> Any {
        return converted

struct ExampleStruct {
    let customClass = CustomClass()

extension ExampleStruct: Serializable {
    func serializableMapping() -> Mapping {
        return AutoMapping.mapping(
            for: self, 
            style: .lowercaseSeparatedByUnderScore

// Serialize ExampleStruct
let exampleStruct = ExampleStruct()
let jsonObject = exampleStruct.serialize()
 "jsonObject" will be a dictionary with content:
    "custom_class": "Converted to: string, int"