A website to sell kits! The kits are intended to be for people just past beginner level. Like Fine Arts assumes you know how to draw, and robotics assumes you know how to make a light turn on.

The purpose for this is because making a 'beginner' kit is very hard, since the amount of knowledge of someone who considers themselves a beginner could vary widely.

Instead we target the lesser market of next steps skills. Like design or sensors, things that take your up a level (level2).

Kits are curated by us based on customer feedback and professional opinion. With a domain owner that handles refactoring and redesigning their kits to stay up to date, as well as searching out experts for advice on best practice.

There is also a Gamification/ social aspect. With each project theres a capstone. The capstones are organized by kit, but can be searched through too. Can also write a blog post about your experience using the kit, including the capstone so new users can get better reviews.

You can also pick and choose the tools/ materials that come in the kit in case you already have some.

Possibility of giving certifications, which may or may not be valued depending on what people think of the site.

Run python manage.py test to run tests.

Hosted on https://level2kits.herokuapp.com/