laravel 5.8 and launch request and even intent is always 404
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im using laravel 5.8 and launch request and even intent is always 404. Im sure i follow the correct installation i.e.
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
'AlexaRoute' => \Develpr\AlexaApp\Facades\AlexaRouter::class,
'Alexa' => \Develpr\AlexaApp\Facades\Alexa::class,
AlexaRoute::launch('/alexa', 'App\Http\Controllers\AlexaController@launch');
AlexaRoute::sessionEnded('/alexa', function() {
return '{"version":"1.0","response":{"shouldEndSession":true}}';
AlexaRoute::intent('/alexa', 'HelloWorldIntent', 'App\Http\Controllers\AlexaController@helloWorldIntent');
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Alexa;
class AlexaController extends Controller
public function launch(){
return Alexa::say("This is launch intent");
public function helloWorldIntent(){
return Alexa::say("This is hello world intent");
What am i missing?
Thanks in advance