Set of classes to make creating Amazon Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) applications easier with Laravel and Lumen
- 0
Yes or No ConfirmIntent
#69 opened by vik0803 - 0
Update to work with Laravel 7.x
#67 opened by kevin-mitchell - 0
- 0
- 0
Route for Messaging.MessageReceived
#64 opened by lipkau - 1
- 0
withAudio directive doesn't cache audio url
#62 opened by f-liva - 0
Route not found exception Laravel 5.7
#60 opened by dhavald99 - 1
- 0
no routes with laravel 5.6
#56 opened by michabbb - 0
I want to know about how to implement dialog in custom skill with https endpoint?
#55 opened by DalbirKaur - 0
Not possible to use route:cache
#53 opened by m-ristau - 0
PlaybackController Events
#52 opened by Banquo1 - 2
Facades/Aliases do not work? (Laravel 5.5)
#49 opened by helmuto - 0
route not found on Laravel 5.5
#48 opened by robertmindroi - 2
SSML generated by app cannot be played by echo (probably wrong usage of lib)
#45 opened by luebbert42 - 10
Amazon responds with a 404
#46 opened by frantischek - 3
My Alexa Routes are not found (Laravel)
#44 opened by luebbert42 - 7
Publish new version of alexa-app
#43 opened by vrajroham - 3
How to test alexaroutes
#42 opened by amenk - 1
Add support for "LinkAccount" type card
#17 opened by develpr - 1
Injecting `Alexa` in 5.4 results in errors
#26 opened by develpr - 15
- 0
Can't install it on 5.5
#35 opened by some81 - 1
Add Card Type Standard with Image support
#29 opened by Banquo1 - 1
Getting ConfirmIntents to work.
#39 opened by Dayjo - 6
Routing order does matter?!
#25 opened by S43534 - 3
Non-static functions
#22 opened by mattrabe - 3
Laravel 5.3 Issues
#20 opened by kfnic - 2
Code style and repo best-practices
#9 opened by colinodell - 2
Any way to try this with 5.3?
#19 opened by chawker21 - 1
Not working with Laravel 5.3/5.4
#23 opened by S43534 - 0
Update documentation
#14 opened by develpr - 2
- 1
Does not verify a certificate chain trust
#4 opened by jakubsuchy - 6
Compatibility issues with Lumen 5.2.8?
#5 opened by colinodell - 6