ASP .NET Core MVC Blog Application

This repository contains a simple ASP .NET Core MVC blog application that enables users to create an account, log in, and perform various operations such as adding, editing, updating, and deleting blog posts. Additionally, the application features a team member page and a contact us page for enhanced user interaction.


  1. User Authentication:

    • Register: Users can create a new account by providing necessary details.
    • Login: Registered users can securely log in to the application.
  2. Blog Post Management:

    • Add Post: Authenticated users can create new blog posts with a title, content, and other details.
    • Edit Post: Users can edit existing blog posts to update the content.
    • Delete Post: Users can delete their blog posts.
    • View Post: Visitors can view blog posts without authentication.
  3. Team Member Page:

    • The application includes a team member page that showcases the team behind the blog. Users can learn more about the creators.
  4. Contact Us Page:

    • There is a contact us page where users can send queries, feedback, or suggestions to the administrators.
