This project uses the spring-boot-devtools to detect changes in the classpath. That includes existing and new controllers and even the
The devtools will restart the tomcat if you diff is found, if you do the following:
Configure your IDE to auto compile the project. In IntelliJ that would be:
Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler -> Make project automatically
Then start the app:
mvn spring-boot:run
If a change is detected, you will see the app restarting.
It's also possible to have your browser auto-refresh itself on some changes. This works for stuff shown on the JSP (like the application.message from the but not with most changes done to the JSP itself, like adding an output or a tag.
If you want to give it a try, install the firefox plugin or search for other plugins
This project is inspired by spring-boot-sample-tomcat-jsp