
Chat client with AutoReply mode. This app will be a simple chat app where a user can login with Gmail, Facebook, etc. Once logged in the user can find other users and chat with them.


The application will have extensions similar to iMessages, but they will be installed by default.

Auto Pilot Mode

Also when you are in single chat mode. You can double tap on the message TextArea and one of our bots will communicate with the user.

Following will be stretch goals

  • Add as many extensions as you can.
  • Add WebRTC based A/V chat for users.
  • Have ability for scheduled Messages.

Please look at the user stories for more details.

User Stories

The following required functionality is completed:

  • User can sign in to Chat using OAuth login
  • User can chat one to one
  • User can create a chat group and communicate with each other.
  • User can share Images Videos Gifs.
  • User can enter Autochat mode and keep on chatting in autonomous mode.
  • User can schedule messages to be sent at designated times.
  • Support offline mode.

The following optional features are implemented:

  • Add support for Notificaions.
  • Add support for Maps/Location sharing.
  • Have advanced Trained Models using tensorflow.
  • Ads integration. (Money on side doesn't hurt)
  • Publish to iOS and Android App store.
  • Add support for Video calls using WebRTC.
  • Add extensions for Chat Application
    • Todos messages app extension
    • Finance messages app extension
    • Tic-tac-toe messages app extension
    • Card games messages app extension
    • Add Sharing Movies Trailers.
    • Share News etc.
    • Send Alarm.
    • Expense sharing.
    • Presentations over Chat.


Firebase CodeLabs :-

AutoReply Resources and Links