
Use Github Action workflow

Table of contents

1. QuickStart

2. Github Actons with GCR

  1. Create a new Google Cloud Project (or select an existing project) and enable the Container Registry and Kubernetes Engine APIs.
  2. Create a new GKE cluster or select an existing GKE cluster.
  3. Create or reuse a GitHub repository for the example workflow:
  4. Create a repository.
  5. Setup IAM roles to your service account:
  6. Create a JSON service account key for the service account.
  7. Add the following secrets to your repository's secrets:

GKE_PROJECT: Google Cloud project ID GKE_SA_KEY: the content of the service account JSON file Update .github/workflows/gke.yml to match the values corresponding to the VM

gcloud container clusters get-credentials gke-cluster1 —-region=us-central1 -—project=sincere-actor-377315 gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=D:\devops\sincere-actor-377315-c1f7b863241e.json

TODO: Make more features for Falsk website

3. Docker

Build image and run local:

docker image build -t nginx-deployment:1.1.0 .
docker container run -p 80:80 --rm nginx-deployment:1.1.0
docker stop $(docker ps -q)

Upload to GCR:

  docker tag nginx-deployment:blue nginx-deployment:1.1.0
  docker tag nginx-deployment:1.1.0
  docker push

but as you are already here (github) you can try:

  docker image build -t nginx-deployment:1.1.1 .
  docker tag nginx-deployment:1.1.1
  docker push

4. Deploy apps with kubectl

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Go to dockers folder
kubectl apply -f blue.yaml
kubectl apply greenserice.yaml

4.1 Check Google Console

  • Deployment and service should be available reposity:

TODO use the handler after install to run the application

5. Apps Up

Kubernetes Engine > Services > External endpoints