
In-Use Encryption tests, info, and scratch work.

Primary LanguagePython

Q6: What is this error: BSON field 'root.sp'

Upgrade to MongoDB server 8.0.

Q4: Can collMod be used to change a $jsonSchema with CSFLE encrypted fields?

Yes. mongocryptd rejects a collMod command where the jsonSchema does not match the validator.$jsonSchema. However, MONGOCRYPT-463 changes libmongocrypt to prefer the jsonSchema from the collMod command.

Q3: Does QE support multi writes?

Yes, in a limited capacity.

For insert, update, and delete commands, see investigations/multiwrite:

  • Multi-statement inserts are OK.
  • Multi-statement updates and deletes results in the errors: Only single document deletes are permitted and Only single document updates are permitted.
  • Single-statement delete with multi-document statement is OK.
  • Single-statement update with multi-document statement results in the error: Multi-document updates are not allowed with Queryable Encryption.

The bulkWrite command has similar limitations. Multi-statement single-document updates or deletes are not supported. bulkWrite errors in mongocryptd, and update / delete errors in mongod. See: investigations/M588.

Q2: What fields does Query Analysis include in response?

Is $db included in response? $readPreference? apiVersion? Does the behavior differ between crypt_shared and mongocryptd? Relevant:

Q1: What is the differences between Queryable Encryption (QE) and Client-Side Field Level Encryption (CSFLE)?

A: Both features CSFLE and QE are nested under "In Use Encryption". Refer: DRIVERS-2454.

CSFLE consists of these algorithms:

  • "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic"
  • "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random"

QE consists of these algorithms:

  • "Indexed"
  • "Unindexed"
  • "RangePreview"

CSFLE is a near 100% client-side feature. The only support from the server is support of the encrypt and encryptMetadata in the JSON schema: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/csfle/fundamentals/create-schema/. If a JSON schema is optionally configured on the server, the server rejects plaintext values for encrypted fields.

QE is closer to 50% client-side 50% server-side feature. Enabling QE requires additional server-side data structures:

  1. Two metadata collections:
    • enxcol_.<collectionName>.esc, referred to as ESC
    • enxcol_.<collectionName>.ecoc, referred to as ECOC
  2. A field in every document in the encrypted collection called __safeContent__.

The client must append a field encryptionInformation to every command that requires server processing for Queryable Encryption. This is done by libmongocrypt in drivers.