
🌈 Strapi app with MongoDB powered by docker-compose

Primary LanguageShell

🌈 Strapi MongoDB - docker-compose

Strapi app with MongoDB powered by docker-compose.


⚠️ Warning

Currently, Strapi latest release is v4 which does not support MongoDB. Meanwhile, this project is meant for Strapi v3.6.8.

Prerequisites :

You should have docker and docker-compose installed on your computer.

How to Run :

  1. Clone this repository :
git clone https://github.com/kevinadhiguna/strapi-mongo-docker
  1. Create .env file :
cp .env.example .env

Then please fill the .env file.

  1. Run your app with docker-compose (in detached mode, you will not be seeing logs of your app) :
docker-compose -f strapi-mongo.yml up -d

If you want to see the logs while running your app, run it with :

docker-compose -f strapi-mongo.yml up

You can visit your app at http://localhost:1337 in your browser.

Using Strapi with another Database Management System ?

Please feel free to have a look at :

Thank you, have a nice day!

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