
Wi-Fi sploit is a password cracker for router's login pages (but it works fine in any login page site, even on internet :D)

Primary LanguagePython


🔒 A password cracker for any login page


  • Originally made for python2 but it runs using pyhon3 too.
  • Originally it was made for router's login pages but it works fine in any login page site, even on internet.


  1. Your laptop/computer must be connected to the Wi-Fi network whose router or site login page will be pentested.
  2. A laptop/computer that has python or python3 installed.

How to install Python/Python3

  • Windows
  • MacOS
  • Linux/Unix (Well.. python comes preinstalled on most Linux distributions. Otherwise, you can download it here)

About the Scripts

Wifi-Sploit provides three scripts:


  • This script performs password brute-forcing on a login page.
  • Initially designed for router login pages but works on any login page of a website.
  • Requires Python (compatible with both Python 2.7 and Python 3).
  • Usage: python wfs.py.
  • Before running, ensure you have the router's IP address, usernames, and passwords.


  • Utilizes Selenium to interact with login pages through a web browser.
  • Also designed for router login pages but adaptable to other websites' login pages.
  • Requires Python and Selenium WebDriver.
  • Usage: python wfs-browser.py.
  • Similar prerequisites apply as in wfs.py.


  • Another Selenium-based script but with customizable HTML element names.
  • Offers more flexibility in specifying HTML element names for username, password, and submit button.
  • Useful when the default element names don't match the target webpage's structure.
  • Requires Python and Selenium WebDriver.
  • Usage: python wfs-browser-input.py.
  • Allows users to specify HTML element names for username, password, and submit button.

Before Running the wfs-browser.py and wfs-browser-input.py:

  • On linux:
chmod +x /PATH-TO/selenium/webdriver/common/linux/selenium-manager
  • On windows: just to be sure, run the scripts as administrator

Running the Scripts

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/kevinadhiguna/wifi-sploit.git
  1. Change directory to wifi-sploit:
cd wifi-sploit
  1. Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt


pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the desired script:
    • For wfs.py: python3 wfs.py
    • For wfs-browser.py: python3 wfs-browser.py
    • For wfs-browser-input.py: python3 wfs-browser-input.py

Additional Notes

  • It is recommended to check out the address.md file for the Wi-Fi router's IP address before running the scripts.
  • Default usernames and passwords for Wi-Fi routers can be found in the username.txt and password.txt files, respectively.
  • Remember, these tools are for educational purposes only. Misuse is not condoned.


I am not responsible for any misuse. These tools are only for educational purposes.

Hello !