
This is my django journey

Primary LanguagePython


This is my django journey based on the book Django for Beginners Build websites with Python Django 4.0 (by William Vincent)

Deployment checklist

The apps in this repository are using Render Web Services.

I am deploying the apps configuring the infrastructure as code (IaC) using a Render Blueprint.

In every chapter I followed these steps:

  1. Edit django_project/settings.py and find the declaration of the SECRET_KEY setting:

    # Don't forget to import os at the beginning of the file
    import os
    # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
    SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY', default='your secret key')
  2. Edit the declaration of the DEBUG setting:

    DEBUG = 'RENDER' not in os.environ
  3. When DEBUG = False, Django will not work without a suitable value for ALLOWED_HOSTS. You can get the name of your web service host from the RENDER_EXTERNAL_HOSTNAME environment variable, which is automatically set by Render.

    # For Render deploy
  4. Add gunicorn dependency:

    $ poetry add gunicorn
  5. Create a build.sh file. At this moment I use the last version of poetry and I need to updete it on Render:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    # exit on error
    set -o errexit
    echo "Installing the latest version of poetry..."
    pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install poetry==1.2.0
    rm poetry.lock
    poetry lock
    python -m poetry install
    python manage.py migrate
  6. Add another web service to render.yaml file. Change <<name>> and <<rootdir>> variables:

      - type: web
        name: <<name>>
        env: python
        region: oregon
        plan: free
        rootDir: <<rootdir>>
        buildCommand: "./build.sh"
        startCommand: "gunicorn django_project.wsgi:application"
        - key: PYTHON_VERSION
            value: 3.8.2
        - key: SECRET_KEY
            generateValue: true
        - key: WEB_CONCURRENCY
            value: 4
  7. Remove packages include instruction in pyproject.toml:

        packages = [{include = "a_project"}]

    Removing the line with packages = [{include = "a_project"}] should avoid including the root project, because we are using a child folder as a root directory that we configured previously rootDir: <<rootdir>>.


  • Chapter 1: Initial Set Up.
  • Chapter 2: Hello World App.
  • Chapter 3: Pages App.
  • Chapter 4: Message Board App.
  • Chapter 5: Blog App.
  • Chapter 6: Forms.
  • Chapter 7: User Accounts.
  • Chapter 8: Custom User Model.
  • Chapter 9: User Authentication.
  • Chapter 10: Bootstrap.
  • Chapter 11: Password Change and Reset.
  • Chapter 12: Email.
  • Chapter 13: Newspaper App.
  • Chapter 14: Permissions and Authorization.
  • Chapter 15: Comments.
  • Chapter 16: Deployment.