
Spontaneous.ly is an app that is designed for adventurous people that want to go on a spontaneous adventure.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Sponatenous.ly is an app that is designed for users that want to partake in a spontaneous adventure.


DB Designer


Naming Convention

  • File Structure: kebab-case -- Example: example-component.jsx

  • SQL Table Names: camelCase -- Example: SELECT * FROM exampleTable;

  • SQL Column Names: camelCase -- Example: SELECT messageId, sentAt FROM messages;

  • SQL Primary Keys: Avoid just using id -- Example: u.userId instead of u.id

  • SQL Boolean Flag: Use is prefix -- Example: isAccepted

  • SQL Strings: Indent the strings -- Example: SELECT userId FROM users WHERE userId = $user_id

  • PHP: snake_case -- Example: function example_function() // $example_variable

  • CSS Classes: kebab-case -- Example: .example-class

  • CSS IDs: kebab-case -- Example: #example-id

Live Demo

Link: https://spontaneouslyapp.com/


  • User can create an account
  • User can log into their account
  • User can search for activities by zip code
  • User can filter activity results based on level of adventure, cost, and distance from their zipcode
  • User can select an activity to commit to in their area
  • User can reserve a spot at that activity
  • User can gain points for completing the activity
  • User can meet other users through mutual attendance of the activity
  • User can request to be a friend of other guests at that activity
  • User can accept friend requests from other users
  • User can deny friend requests from other users
  • User can view ther Spontaneity Points
  • User can view their friends list
  • User can view their pending friend requests
  • User can send messages to friends
  • User can receive messages from friends
  • User can view past activities

