
Proposed talk

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Mastering Memory Management in C++: How to Custom Allocators

  • Alternative titles
    • Mastering Memory Management in C++: A Deep Dive into Custom Allocators

Submission Details

Tags: standard library, allocators, containers, data structures, cpp17, cpp20, cpp23 
Session Type: Back to Basic
Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Audience: application developers, students
Session Material: slides, example code 


Effective memory management is crucial for building efficient and reliable C++ applications. Custom memory allocators provide a powerful tool for optimizing memory usage, reducing fragmentation, and improving performance. This talk will explore the intricacies of memory allocation in C++, from the basics of dynamic memory management to the implementation of custom allocators. Attendees will gain insights into the standard allocator model, techniques for designing custom allocators, and practical examples of their use in real-world applications.

Join us to unlock the full potential of memory management in your C++ projects.


  • Introduction (5 minutes)
    • The importance of memory management in C++
    • Overview of dynamic memory allocation
    • Introduction to custom allocators
  • Standard Allocator Model (10 minutes)
    • Overview of the C++ Standard Library allocator model
    • Understanding the std::allocator class template
    • Basic usage and customization of std::allocator
  • Memory Allocation Strategies (15 minutes)
    • Pool allocators and their advantages
    • Stack-based allocation and arena allocators
    • Strategies for minimizing fragmentation and overhead
  • Designing Custom Allocators (15 minutes)
    • Key components of a custom allocator
    • Implementing allocator traits
    • Writing a simple custom allocator from scratch
  • Advanced Allocator Techniques (15 minutes)
    • Stateful allocators and their use cases
    • Allocator-aware containers and algorithms
    • Techniques for debugging and profiling allocators
  • Performance Considerations (10 minutes)
    • Measuring and optimizing allocator performance
    • Real-world examples of allocator optimizations
    • Trade-offs and best practices
  • Integrating Custom Allocators in Projects (10 minutes)
    • Practical examples of using custom allocators in applications
    • Case studies demonstrating performance improvements
    • Lessons learned from real-world projects
  • Conclusion (5 minutes)

Additional Notes

  • Incorporate interactive coding sessions to demonstrate key concepts.
  • Use visual aids to explain complex memory management techniques.
  • Provide handouts or online resources for further study and practice.