
Collection of tools to deploy MS Office via PowerShell

Primary LanguagePowerShell

NOTE: You must enable PS Remoting on all computers involved. A guide can be found here

  1. Download zip file by clicking green download button here https://github.com/kevinblumenfeld/PSOfficeDeploy
  2. On Source workstation (use Windows 10 - in PS type $psversiontable if version is lower than 5.1, install PS 5.1 here)
    a. Create directory c:\oScripts
    b. Open zip & copy contents (only pictured files and Deploy folder) to c:\oScripts
    c. Copy officeproplus.msi to directory c:\oScripts\Deploy\MSI
  3. Add computer names to computers.txt in c:\oScripts (test by adding ONE computer name)
  4. Dot Source the functions: Open PowerShell as an administrator on source workstation and run this command
    Get-ChildItem -Path C:\oScripts -File -Recurse | Unblock-File
    Get-ChildItem c:\oScripts\ -Filter '*.ps1' | % {. $_.fullname }

You are ready to run the scripts

  1. Copy files to destination computers - %C is case sensitive & be sure to include the trailing backslashes after last directory
    Get-Content c:\oScripts\computers.txt | Send-FileAsJob -SourceDirsOrFiles C:\oScripts\ -DestinationDir \\%C\C$\oScripts\

  2. Uninstall old Microsoft Office
    Get-Content c:\oScripts\computers.txt | Uninstall-Office
    Use the below command if Office 2003 also needs to be removed
    Get-Content c:\oScripts\computers.txt | Uninstall-Office -AlsoRemoveOffice2003

    • Use Step 8 to check progress
  3. Install new Microsoft Office
    Get-Content c:\oScripts\computers.txt | Install-MSI

    • Use Step 8 to check progress
  4. Report Microsoft Office Versions Installed – output to screen & output to CSV (excel) commands below
    Get-Content c:\oScripts\computers.txt | Get-OfficeVersion
    Get-Content c:\oScripts\computers.txt | Get-OfficeVersion | Export-Csv ./OfficeVersInstalled.csv -NoTypeInformation

    NOTE: Click, Install Toolkit to create a MSI/EXE that does not require a xml file. Link:
    Due to a bug, remove English as a language and select, MATCHOS