
A collection of shell and Perl scripts that build a minimal-ish, read-only installation of Linux on an SD card, that provides a fast-booting console environment a Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguageShell


Version 0.0.2 Kevin Boone, February 2023

What is this?

This is a collection of shell and Perl scripts that build a minimal-ish, read-only installation of Linux on an SD card, ready for use in a Raspberry Pi. It's mostly been tested on the Pi 3B+ -- my favourite Pi -- but it should work on later models.

This system is designed to form the basis of a console-only Pi Linux installation whose main design goal is instant-on, instant-off operation. Because the root filesystem is read-only, there is no shut-down procedure -- just power off. On a Pi 3B+ with no tweaks or overclocking, it takes nine seconds from power-on to a workable command prompt. A secondary, related design goal is that nothing that a user does at runtime will ever be able to break the installation badly enough that it won't start up.

Although the system is read-only, most of the SD card will be reserved for user files, and this part will be writeable.

This software is intended for experienced Linux users, who like to work at the command line :) There is some support for X, but this isn't really what this software is for. If you want to extend the installation, you'll certainly need to be familiar with what is in the Raspberry Pi repositories.

This software should work with any Pi, but I've mostly tested with the 3B+. By 'minimal' I don't mean the amount of storage -- even an SD card that costs only a few pennies has way more storage than is required. Rather, I mean the number of processes and services that are started. I'm aiming for a boot time of a few seconds, measured from the time the kernel starts (which is about five seconds after power-on). It goes without saying that all the auto-configuration stuff in a desktop Linux (systemd, udev, dbus, Pulse, etc) would be completely inappropriate here.

The utilities to be installed are reasonably configurable but, because it's a read-only installation, a decision has to be made at build time -- there's no package manager, or any other way to update the installation after build. In fact, many things are fixed at build time, that would normally be configurable. This intransigence is all aimed at the main design goal: instant-on, instant-off.

This is not a complete Linux and it certainly isn't a Linux distribution -- it is intended as a base for customization. You'll need to add configuration for most external devices that you plan to connect, as well as deciding in advance what software packages to install to use them. If you just want a light(-ish) conventional desktop Linux for the Pi, I can recommend DietPi and Alpine.

The Linux installation built by rasp-pi-min-console-build boots to a shell prompt with multiple virtual consoles. It can be configured to auto-login a user. Only one user is created by default -- user test with password test (but this can be changed). There is, of course, no facility to add new users at runtime.

The build process can generate configuration for wifi networking, but only with fixed configuration parameters that are specified in advance. There are also options to enable ALSA audio and USB storage.

It is worth stressing again that, by design, the root filesystem is completely read-only at run-time. Of course, this means that all configuration must be done by hacking on the files in this repository, and then building a new image on SD card. There is intentionally no way to modify any configuration at run-time.

rasp-pi-min-console-build is a specific implementation of the general technique for implementing a minimal, read-only Linux that I describe on my website:


Implementation notes

Read-only Linux on the Pi

Why would you want a read-only Linux, anyway? For embedded and kiosk applications, users won't follow a shut-down procedure -- it might not even be possible to. By making the entire installation read-only, this problem is completely removed. Since nothing is writeable, nothing can be left in a broken state if the user just pulls the plug. Moreover, there is no fault that a user can create -- that doesn't involve physical trauma -- that can't be fixed by rebooting.

But even a general-purpose computer can benefit from instant-on, instant-off operation. Keep in mind that the Pi has no sleep/suspend/low-power mode. The only way to power off a regular Pi Linux safely is to go through a full, orderly shutdown, which can take a minute. Rebooting can take two minutes. This read-only Linux reboots in about ten seconds.

Raspbian and similar distributions are not at all designed to run in a read-only environment. In fact, it takes a lot of effort to make read-only operation possible with any modern Linux. Most obviously, there has to be a /tmp directory that can hold temporary files. Many utilities expect to be able to write to /var, /run and other places. My approach is to define /tmp to be in in-memory filesystem using tmpfs; all other directories that have to be writable are symbolic links to directories under /tmp. Utilities that change configuration at runtime -- such as dhcpcd when it configures a network interface -- have to be provided with ways to overwrite configuration files (like /etc/resolv.conf) that are on a read-only filesystem. Again, symlinks come to our rescue here. Still, the set-up is a little fiddly.

Living without auto-configuration

To get the fastest possible boot to a working (console) interface, nothing is auto-configured, beyond the facilities provided by the kernel. There's no udev, no avahi, etc. The installation script knows what needs to be done for common peripherals like USB storage. However, for anything complicated you'll need (as a minimum) to specify what kernel modules need to be loaded. There's no easy way to figure this out, except by looking on a conventional Raspberry Pi desktop system, to see what modules are actually loaded when particular peripherals are plugged in.

This is not a defect -- it is a feature. Auto-configuration is great for conventional desktop Linux systems, but is completely inappropriate in an embedded or single-purpose installation.

Filesystem layout

The build process creates three partitions on the SD card. Of these, only the third is writeable, and this should contain only user data. The prepare-card.sh script allocates all the space on the SD card, that is not used by the first two partitions, to this user partition.

It should go without saying that, although the system is read-only, rebooting without saving user data will have no happier outcome than than it would on any computer. However, because the user partitionis mounted with the sync option, it should be impossible to get into a situation where there is a heap of data waiting to be flushed to the SD card, and you power off. This is the cause of many a corrupt filesystem in desktop Linux systems. Of course, you can still power off while there's data waiting to be flushed but, with the sync option, when a "save" operation claims it's finished, it actually is. The synchronous operation does come with a speed penalty, of course.


If networking is enabled in the configuration file, the build will include networking utilities, and scripts to configure the network adapters using DHCP. For wifi networking, the configuration will need to include the details of the access point and a password, if used. Enabling networking also enables the SSHD server for remote login. Even if auto-login is enabled for the console, the SSHD server expects a password. Starting a wifi network can take a little while, but this doesn't delay getting to a shell prompt, as it happens later.

There's no point providing any nice, graphical way for the user to select network configuration, because it can't be stored anywhere.

Time setting

The Raspberry Pi has no real-time clock. If networking is enabled, the time is set using a simple script that gets its from one of Google's webservers. This isn't a very robust approach, but it works for simple applications.

Boot process

The Linux start-up process uses init. Most of the initialization is done in a single script /etc/rc.d/startup.sh. There is no meaningful notion of "run level" here -- technically everything operates at run level 1. So init will run subsidiary start-up scripts in /etc/rc1.d, in alphanumeric order. Of course you can add new scripts for additional configuration. As in a conventional (pre-systemd) Linux, the scripts in /etc/rc1.d are actually symlinks to scripts in /etc/init.d. The links have conventional names of the form SNNsomething, where the NN is a two-digit number indicating the start order. There are no corresponding Kxxsomething scripts for shutting down, because shutting down amounts to powering off.

The scripts in /etc/init.d are always included in the build; if a feature is enabled in CONFIG.sh that usually means that the corresponding symlink to /etc/rc1.d gets created. Otherwise there is no symlink, and the script will not be run.

What is running after boot?

The following process, other than those in the kernel, will always be running:


If networking is enabled, we also have

wpa_supplicant (if wifi is enabled)

The following processes are optional, and are running if enabled by settings in CONFIG.sh


And that's it. All these processes together use only about 30Mb or RAM, which is a big deal on a Pi 3B+, which only has about 860Mb after the GPU has taken its share.

System log

The system log deamon is my own:


It is designed to use minimal resources, which it achieves by maintaining a fixed size, rolling buffer of no more than 100 log lines (by default). Note that the system log is in the conventional place -- /var/log/messages -- which is in RAM in this implementation.

Console appearance and keyboard layout

This software is designed to generate a Linux installation that will be used with console-based tools. Consequently, I've included tools to set the appearance and size of the console font. The console configuration file is rootfs-overlay/etc/default/console-setup. You could also just invoke setfont with a font file in /usr/share/consolefonts.

By default no keyboard configuration is done. The loadkeys utility (e.g., loadkeys uk) could be inovked to set a keyboard layout. The default keyboard layout is US.

USB storage

If ENABLE_STORAGE=1 in CONFIG.sh, the boot process will include /etc/rc1.d/S05storage, which is a symlink to /etc/init.d/storage. This script mounts a single USB storage device on /mnt. The block device is hard-coded as /dev/sda, which is appropriate for a non-partitioned USB stick, with any filesystem. If the memory stick is partitioned, you'll probably need to change this to /dev/sda1. It doesn't matter what kind of filesystem is on the memory stick (provided it's supported by the kernel). However, if it isn't VFAT, you'll need to think about the file ownership on the filesystem. If it is VFAT, the use of the user option in the mount will make the files appear to be owned by the console user, which is very convenient -- unless you want the external storage to be read-only also.

The default set-up uses the sync option in the mount, so that there's less chance that this storage will be corrupted when powering off. Of course, this makes storage writes less responsive.

The hard-coding of the block device means that there's no realistic possibility of using multiple storage devices. You'd need a device management framework for that, with udev and dbus and all that stuff, which is exactly what I'm trying to avoid.

No harm will come from enabling storage support when there is no storage device -- you'll just get an error message at boot time that probably won't be visible.


If ENABLE_AUDIO=1 in CONFIG.sh, the build will include basic ALSA utilities. More importantly, though, it will load the kernel's audio drivers, and set the permissions appropriately on /dev/snd. A few sample sounds are included in /usr/share/sounds.

If you're using an HDMI monitor then most likely HDMI audio will be ALSA device 0, and the audio jack will be device 1. So to play audio through the jack, you could test with

aplay -D hw:1 ...

To get a list of known audio devices, do aplay -L.

The basic build does not include any particular audio players apart from basic ASLA utilities. If you want anything else, you can add the package(s) to OPTIONAL_PKGS in CONFIG.sh.

Official touch-screen support

There's nothing special to do to enable the display part of the Pi official touch-screen -- support is built into firmware. However, to enable the touch sensitivity and the backlight control, you'll need to enable kernel modules rpi-ft5406 and rpi_backlight respectively. You can just add these to OPTIONAL_MODULES (see below). For the record, the backlight brightness is set in the range 0-255 by writing /sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/brightness.

Optional kernel modules

There is no device detection -- any kernel modules you'll need will have to be installed at boot time. There is a setting OPTIONAL_MODULES for this. Modules specified here are loaded very early in the boot process -- before showin a prompt. So if you're using modules that are slow to load, or might even fail to load, it would be better to create an additional script under rc1.d and do the load there.

Bluetooth and serial UART

The default installation disables Bluetooth, and configures the serial UART (pins 8 and 10) as device /dev/ttyAMA0. You could, in principle, use this UART as the console, but I've assumed it's more likely to be used to connect another device. The boot process adds permissions for AMA0 to the default user. To restore the default functionality, remove the dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt line from config.txt. Of course, you'll need to install all the Bluetooth software if you actually want to use BT. Disabling it shaves about 0.4 seconds off the boot time.

How to build

How to build

Here is the basic procedure to build with default configuration.

  • Insert an SD card, or a card reader with an SD card, into the workstation. The card must be at least 2Gb, but larger is no problem -- all available space will be used. This must be an SD card that you don't mind being wiped.

  • Check using, for example, dmesg, what is the /dev device that represents the SD card, e.g., /dev/sdb. There may also be /dev entries for specific partitions -- ignore these.

  • Edit CONFIG.sh to determine what is to be installed, and any other settings that need to be edited. It is crucial that the value of CARD -- the default SD card device -- is correct. Errors in this area could be catastrophic for the host system.

  • Run build.sh as an unprivileged user. This will download all the packages, and populate local copies of the root filesystem and boot partition. This will take a long time.

  • Run prepare-card.sh as root, passing the size of the root filesystem in megabytes (see below). This will create three partitions on the card, and put a new FAT filesystem on the first, and ext4 filesystems on the others. The first partition will contain the Pi boot firmware and kernel; the second will contain the root filesystem; the third will contain the home directory of the single user. To find the size of the root filesystem, run du -h /tmp/rootfs after build. Allow some additional space -- see below for why. Note that prepare-card.sh is, in principle, a one-time operation for a specific card. You can run build.sh and copy-to-card.sh without preparing the card again. However, you will need to run prepare-card.sh again if you add additional packages, and the root filesystem gets too large to fit. This is why I suggested allowing a bit of extra space in the root partition. If you have enabled all the options in CONFIG.sh, including X support, use '900' (megabytes) as the argument to prepare-card.sh.

  • Run copy-to-card.sh as root. This will copy the local versions of the root and boot partitions to the card, and set the appropriate ownership and permissions.

  • If you want to clean up all intermediate files, run ./cleanall.sh.

Note that a full build, with nothing cached, will take about 30 minutes -- longer if you have included extra packages. Most of that time will be spent downloading from repositories, but populating the SD card is also fairly time-consuming.

The build process

Here is what build.sh does.

  1. Downloads the latest Pi firmware/kernel bundle, and unpacks it into a directory that will become the boot partition of the SD card.

  2. Merges into the boot directory the content of the bootfiles/ directory. This is the place to set specific firmware and kernel parameters.

  3. Downloads all the packages that are needed according to the configured options, along with all their dependencies. These all go into a directory that will become the root filesystem on the SD card.

  4. Merges with this directory the contents of contrib-binaries.

  5. Merges the contents of overlay-rootfs, substituting placeholders in some configuration files for values in CONFIG.sh.

  6. Copies CONFIG.sh itself into the generated /etc directory, where it will be read at runtime by a number of scripts.

Configuration notes

Settings file CONFIG.sh

This file is used during the image build process, and is also copied to the build, into the /etc/ directory, where its settings are used at run-time. I hope that the copious comments in this file make it reasonably clear what the various settings do.

X support

It is possible, but probably not advisable, to run a graphical X session in a Linux installation like this. If you set INSTALL_X=1 in CONFIG.sh, the installer will download and install a minimal set of software to run X. It is at this point, however, that we realize how much udev and dbus do for us in a regular, desktop Linux -- here we have to hack on the X11 configuration file manually to add all the input devices and screen settings. It's a bit like being back in the 90s. The sample file at rootfs-overlay/etc/X11/X.conf should work for a system with a single USB keyboard, a single USB mouse, and a single monitor. However, I can't promise that it works in any set-up but my own.

To start an X session run sudo startx. This will start the X server, a single terminal session, and the Matchbox window manager. The X server needs to run as root because it's a pain to change all the permissions of all the devices it uses. However, it starts the window manager and terminal as the unprivileged user. When the window manager exits, the X session will end. For convenient you can run the stopx script to make that happen.

It's a pretty crude setup and, at best, it's a starting point for running an X-based installation, and will need radical customization for anything practical. Once we start running X, the benefits of using a minimal, read-only distribution like this, start to become less significant.

Keep in mind that, even when X support is enabled, other than a window manager and a terminal, no X applications are installed in the default configuration.

Usage notes

Console and virtual terminals

The first three virtual terminals (accessed by pressing Alt-F1 ... Alt+F3) are for user session. The user 'test' is automatically logged in. VT4 is reserved for the system console -- this is where boot messages will go. With luck, there won't be any, because all but the most important are suppressed to speed up the boot.


The build creates one single, default user called 'test', with password 'test'. You'll only need the password to run sudo -- there is no root user.

User data

The user's home directory is on the third partition of the SD card. Neither build.sh not copy-to-card.sh will remove any of this data. However, prepare-card.sh will erase all data on the card.


Ctrl+Alt+Del should work. There is no shutdown procedure. To reboot at the prompt, run /sbin/reboot -f.


There is, of course, no Pulse audio in this installation. You can use ordinary ALSA drivers -- although most audio/video utilities now default to using Pulse. For example, to play audio using VLC:

vlc -A alsa --alsa-audio-device sysdefault:CARD=Headphones {audio_file}

With an HDMI monitor, the default ALSA device is HDMI audio. It is, of course, possible to create a script that launches VLC (or whatever) with the appropriate settings. To get a list of ALSA devices, use aplay -L.


Since the sad demise of omxplayer, I have not been able to find any way to play video adequately in a console session. The latest version of VLC is supposed to support the Pi's video hardware, but I could not get it to work as yet.

wifi selection

If ENABLE_WIFI is selected at build time, then a startup script will be generated that enables a wifi interface. The settings for the access point are defined in CONFIG.sh, which is copied to the root filesystem.

Obviously, this process requires that the wifi properties be known in advance. You can change the access point at runtime using:

$ sudo /sbin/setwifi {SSID} {KEY}

To get a list of reachable access points, do

$ sudo /sbin/scanwifi 

The results are not persistent because, of course, nothing is in this kind of set-up. Please note that it might take ten seconds or more for a change to the access point to take effect, and there's no real way to get an indication when it finished -- or even if it succeeded -- except by checking that wifi communication is possible.

Console mouse

By default, gpm is enabled, to provide USB mouse support in the console. You can disable it to shave a fraction of a second of the boot time, but it's very useful if you're working entirely in the console. Use the left and right buttons to select text, and the middle button to paste.

If you really must write the root filesystem

If you really, really must update the root filesystem at runtime, it is possible. To remount writeable:

$ sudo mount -o remount,rw /

and to make it read-only again:

$ sudo mount -o remount,ro /

I can see why it might be useful to do this for simple administrative operations, like changing a user password, or adding an entry to /etc/hosts. However, this isn't at all how this system is intended to be used and, if you run the build process again, it's going to overwrite any changes made this way.

Problems and limitations

  • 'Minial' here refers to the load at runtime, not the size of the installation. Because the build uses the Raspbian repositories, and follows all the dependencies, the size of the root partition will actually be large -- hundreds of megabytes at least. Since storage is so cheap, I don't deam this to be a problem, so long as none of these bloated dependencies do anything at runtime.

  • It takes a long time to run build.sh, because nothing is cached. Each package is downloaded from the repository each time. This makes testing a new configuration tedious.

  • No video playback support so far -- not on the console, anyway. VLC under X will play full-screen 720p (at least) video, but I haven't been able to get it working on the console.

  • By default, no software firewall is installed. This system isn't designed for exposing services to the Internet.


During build, watch for errors from prepare-card.sh and copy-to-card.sh. Unfortunately, errors from build.sh will flash past so fast that you won't see them. A common problem is not allocating enough space on the SD card for the root filesystem (too small an argument to prepare-card.sh).

If the screen is completely blank, and the green LED of the Pi never flashes, check that the boot files are in the first partition of the SD and, that the 'bootable' flag is set on this partition, and that it is of type 11, that is, VFAT. It isn't enough for the Pi that the filesystem be of VFAT type, the appropriate type code must be set in the partition table, and it must be marked as bootable.

The type code should be set by prepare-card.sh. Unfortunately, prepare-card.sh cannot set the boot flag -- it uses fdisk to partition the card, which can only toggle the flag. So it's as likely to turn the flag off as to turn it on. It's generally not a good idea to run fdisk on a card that is mounted -- and some Linux installations mount SD cards as soon as they are plugged in. However, it's safe to use it to change the boot flag.

The Pi firmware displays nothing until the kernel boots, and even then little is displayed, to increase boot speed. If the boot process does output anything, it will be on virtual terminal 4 (press Alt+F4).

If the time is wrong -- please wait a while. The start-up scripts use Google's servers to retrieve the time, and they can be slow to respond. However, if the time is never correct, this may indicate a general failure of networking.

Bundle contents

bootfiles -- contains files that will be copied to the boot partiion during the build (e.g., cmdline.txt). Editing these files is the appropriate way to modify the firmware and kernel boot conditions. The defaults should work, but it's not unusual to have to change these files to, for example, enable specific features in firmware. These are standard Raspberry Pi files that are well documented.

build.sh -- the main build script. Must be run as an unprivileged user.

cache -- this directory is created by the build, and contains cached copies of artefacts downloaded from the Raspbian repository.

cleanall.sh -- removes everything created by the build script, except the cache directory.

CONFIG.sh -- all the configuration parameters for the build and at runtime

contrib-bin -- binaries that have been built elsewhere and included in this build process (e.g., the custom system log daemon). The distinction between this directory and rootfs-overlay is that the latter is part of this project, while contrib-bin contains foreign binaries that have their own projects.

copy-to-card.sh -- Copies the root, home, and boot images created by build.sh to an SD card. Probably has to be run as root.

get_deb.pl -- A script to download packages from the Raspbian repository.

misc-config -- A few configuration files that could not be placed in rootfs-overlay because their target directories are generated during the build.

prepare-card.sh -- partitions an SD card read for copy-to-card.sh.


0.0.2, February 2023:

  • Updated the get_deb.pl script to version 0.2, which includes caching support
  • Removed the non-GPL firmware that was stuck in the rootfs-overlay directory. Oops.

0.0.1, December 2022: First release