
A demonstration of Django REST framework

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Status GitHub Issues License Coverage

  • A basic blogging website & API built with Django 5.0.x & Django REST Framework (DRF) 3.13.x
Table of Contents


  • Application

    • Browseable Web API
    • SwaggerUI & ReDoc API documentation
    • User registration with email verification & social(GitHub) login using django-allauth
    • Bootstrap4 & crispy-forms decorations
    • Customizable user profile pages with bio, profile pic, & country flags
    • For additional links to package resources used in this repository, see the Package Index
  • Dev/testing

  • run command menu

    (adapted from Nick Janetakis' helpful docker-django-example)

    You can run ./run to get a list of commands and each command has documentation in the run file itself. This comes in handy to run various Docker commands because sometimes these commands can be a bit long to type.

    If you get tired of typing ./run you can always create a shell alias with alias run=./run in your ~/.bash_aliases or equivalent file. Then you'll be able to run run instead of ./run.


  • git clone https://github.com/kevinbowen777/django-api-blog.git
  • cd django-api-blog
  • Local installation
    • poetry install
    • python manage.py migrate
    • python manage.py createsuperuser
    • python manage.py runserver
  • Docker installation
    • docker compose up --build
    • docker compose exec web python manage.py migrate
    • docker compose exec web python manage.py createsuperuser Additional commands:
      • docker compose exec web python manage.py shell_plus (loads Django shell autoloading project models & classes)
      • docker run -it django-start-web bash (CLI access to container)
  • Browse to or
  • Pre-commit:
    • To add the hook, run the following command in the poetry shell:
      • pre-commit install


  • docker-compose exec web python manage.py test
  • coverage run -m pytest
  • Nox (includes sessions for black, lint, typing, safety, tests)
    • testing supported for Python 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
    • e.g. nox, nox -rs lint-3.11, nox -s tests
      • nox
      • nox -s black-3.12
      • nox -s docs-3.11
      • nox -rs lint-3.10 (Use the 'r' flag to reuse existing session)
      • nox -s pyright-3.11
      • nox -s safety (will run tests against all Python versions)
      • nox -s tests


Application Demo

A live application demonstration:






Message Index

Profile Page

Profile Page

Login Page

Login Page

Post List View

Post List View



Redoc API page

Redoc API page

Email Address management

Email Address management

Reporting Bugs

Visit the Issues page to view currently open bug reports or open a new issue.