Can't send custom advertisement
v1ack opened this issue · 3 comments
The problem
Provide a clear and concise description of what the problem is.
I want to make an advertisement with custom manufacturer data, but raises dbus_next.errors.DBusError: Failed to parse advertisement.
Without ManufacturerData
everything works
Provide instructions or code samples that demonstrate the issue if possible>
NewAdv added to BlueZ campatibility (like in #85 )
import asyncio
from asyncio import sleep
from bless.backends.bluezdbus.dbus.advertisement import BlueZLEAdvertisement, Type
from bless.backends.bluezdbus.server import BlessServerBlueZDBus
from dbus_next import Variant
from dbus_next.service import dbus_property
class NewAdv(BlueZLEAdvertisement):
def TxPower(self) -> "n": # type: ignore # noqa: F821
return self._tx_power
@TxPower.setter # type: ignore
def TxPower(self, dbm: "n"): # type: ignore # noqa: F821
self._tx_power = dbm
async def main():
server = BlessServerBlueZDBus(name="my_service_name")
await server.setup_task
advertisement = NewAdv(Type.BROADCAST, 1,
# ManufacturerData = {UINT16: Variant}
advertisement.ManufacturerData = {0x0002: Variant("s", "test string")}
advertisement.ServiceUUIDs = ["00002800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"]
advertisement._tx_power = -23 = [advertisement]
server.bus.export(advertisement.path, advertisement)
iface = server.adapter.get_interface("org.bluez.LEAdvertisingManager1")
await iface.call_register_advertisement(advertisement.path, {}) # type: ignore
await sleep(60)
Expected behavior
Provide a clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: Ubuntu 22.04
- bluez: 5.64
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
I found an answer for my issue In the source code of bluez
struct ad_data {
uint8_t data[25];
uint8_t len;
struct manufacturer_data {
uint16_t id;
struct ad_data data;
Variant type must be ay
So, ManufacturerData = {2: Variant("ay", b'12')}
is valid
Looks like it should be mentioned in docs
@v1ack glad you found the solution. Since this seems to be DBus specific I'll close this. Please reopen if I'm missing something and you feel more should be implemented into bless.
I found an answer for my issue In the source code of bluez
struct ad_data { uint8_t data[25]; uint8_t len; }; struct manufacturer_data { uint16_t id; struct ad_data data; };Variant type must be
So,ManufacturerData = {2: Variant("ay", b'12')}
is valid Looks like it should be mentioned in docs
I tried this on apple M1 pro but failed though