- 5
no module error pysetupdi
#105 opened by h-enes-simsek - 9
Connect multiple Clients to BLE Server
#128 opened by metinkale38 - 2
bless does not advertise more then one service
#142 opened by ch3p4ll3 - 3
GATT BLE Server: GATT dictionary with several services uuid can't be used by server, since an exception is thrown
#84 opened by alexmac98 - 4
Need Notify Example and documentation
#102 opened by tljstewart - 0
- 1
I tried the server in example folder, but I cannot find the ble server on my iphone
#138 opened by unicorn200066 - 2
- 1
Expose the BLE MTU, that is negotiated, between central and peripheral.
#113 opened by beachcitiessoftware - 1
- 5
TypeError: tp_basicsize for type '_bleak_winrt_Windows_Foundation.EventRegistrationToken' (24) is too small for base '_winrt.Object' (32)
#116 opened by fernandoaestrella - 1
- 5
Ability to write `Descriptors` in advertizement
#118 opened by vikramdattu - 2
Permissions appear to be ignored
#115 opened by legraphista - 2
Sending periodic advertisings with custom service data
#101 opened by Ircama - 5
- 0
how to auto confirm
#135 opened by Layty - 0
#133 opened by leruge - 6
- 0
- 0
- 3
Can't send custom advertisement
#88 opened by v1ack - 0
- 0
Friendlier warning if bluez is not installed on Linux
#121 opened by rgov - 1
Missing dependency on dbus_next on Linux
#120 opened by rgov - 0
Inconsistent spelling of 'writable'
#119 opened by rgov - 1
- 6 example: corebluetooth missing argument: 'max_write_without_response_size'
#92 opened by Kai0711er - 28
- 0
Get advertising address of central
#107 opened by pe224 - 0
- 0
support for l2cap channels
#100 opened by Fatflo - 5
- 3
How to disconnect by bless
#90 opened by trueroad - 1
Adapter selection
#86 opened by Jakeler - 11
- 2
- 1
Errors running examples
#80 opened by Regjoz - 21
DBus.Error.AccessDenied - not allowed to own the service "org.bluez.TestService"
#60 opened by Jakeler - 7
GATT Server name no longer advertising correctly
#78 opened by Avstn1 - 2
QUESTION: How to defined the Generic Access Profile (during BlessServer creation)?
#75 opened by WouterJD - 3
- 1
QUESTION: read_request() and write_request(); data not received by Collector (client)
#72 opened by WouterJD - 1
- 2
- 1
Initial values in gatt_tree not used
#67 opened by WouterJD - 2
- 15
- 5
- 0
Dynamically expose the backend service objects
#64 opened by kevincar