
Import PDF batch reports and audit log csv trails generated by Optrel Inspection machines to a postgres database for easy searching via a django frontend

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Optrel Parser (Stevanto / S.P.A.M.I)

The Optrel Parser (Stevanto / S.P.A.M.I) is a django/python script that enables you to import batch reports (.pdf) and audit logs (.csv) to a postgres database from any Optrel Inspection (I was using the MCA 150 and MCA 200 LKD machines) machine that is using WinCC Flexible PVSI which will enable you to view them in a readable, user friendly website.

I created this script due to there being no way to tie processed batch reports to their corresponding audit log, this program will highlight any issues that have happened while inspection has taken place. e.g common faults such as safety clutche slips or having to remove a vial manually when it faults to the wrong reject channel


List of batches processed


Batch report detail view



  • Import batch report .pdf's
  • Import audit log .csv's
  • Authentication is required before viewing any reports


Create Postgres database

psql postgres
create database optrel_reports;

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt


Located in /optrel/.env.example, fill this with the correct environment varibles before continuing and rename to .env

Run migrations

python manage.py migrate

Storing / Importing data

I created a batch script making use of Robocopy on windows to automatically retrieve all newly created audit logs / batch reports from the machines and copy to the projects directory nightly.

PDF location


CSV location



Use the --truncate argument to empty table before importing

python manage.py import_vials
python manage.py import_ampoules
python manage.py import_ampoule_audit
python manage.py import_vial_audit

These can take a long time to run on first import

Create superuser

python manage.py createsuperuser

Running Server

First we create a superuser

python manage.py createsuperuser

Run the server

python manage.py runserver 8000

View data

To view imported batch data


You must be logged in to view these pages!


The stylesheet located at /static/reports/style.css will need to be updated to match your inspection machines recipes - starting at line 371


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Optrel Parser uses a number of open source projects

  • Heroku - I used this to deploy my original project
  • Django - Python Web Framework
  • POSTGRES - PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system.