
Project to create the libjsqlite.so used in geopaparazzi


Project to create the libjsqlite.so used in geopaparazzi

  • android-ndk-r9c was used to compile this project properly
    • LOCAL_LDLIBS is always ignored for static libraries
  • for proper SpatialIndex support, the rtree module must be activated in the sqlite.mk files
    • -DSQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE=1 in the common_sqlite_flags
  • in the archive directory there is a
    • 20140105.libjsqlite.4.1.1.tar.bz2
      • with the compiled versions of libjsqlite.so for
        • armeabi, armeabi-v7a and x86

  • most of this information will be found in the Wiki pages

The Wiki Home Page as a starting point

Directory structure:

Configuration used presently [2014-01-04]:

  • Android_4.1.1.mk (Spatialite 4.1.1) [of which Android.mk is a copy]
    • iconv-1.13.1.mk
      • using directory libiconv-1.13.1
        • For Spatialite with VirtualShapes,VirtualXL support: iconv is needed
    • sqlite-3071700.mk [with support for 'PRAGMA application_id']
      • using directory sqlite-amalgamation-3071700
      • for propers SpatialIndex support, the rtree module must be activated
        • -DSQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE=1 in the common_sqlite_flags
    • proj4-4.8.0.mk
      • using directory proj-4.8.0
    • geos-3.4.2.mk
      • using directory geos-3.4.2
    • spatialite-4.1.1.mk
      • using directory libspatialite-4.1.1
        • with VirtualShapes,VirtualXL support: iconv is needed
        • with GeosAdvanced: zlib is needed (LOCAL_LDLIBS parameter)
          • with android-ndk-r9c this is no longer possible
            • everything compiled with out error, without adding zlib
              • spatialite shows HasGeosAdvanced[1]
              • if problems arise, this will be the cause
    • jsqlite-20120209.mk
      • using directory javasqlite-20120209
  • Application.mk
    • armeabi armeabi-v7a x86
  • version shown in geopaparazzi [2014-01-05]:
    • [javasqlite[20120209],spatialite[4.1.1],proj4[Rel. 4.8.0, 6 March 2012],
    geos[3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921], spatialite_properties[HasIconv[1],HasMathSql[1],HasGeoCallbacks[0],HasProj[1], HasGeos[1],HasGeosAdvanced[1],HasGeosTrunk[0],HasLwGeom[0], HasLibXML2[0],HasEpsg[1],HasFreeXL[0]]]


  • as a general rule, most projects can be configured with:

    • ./configure --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host=arm-linux-eabi
  • with sqlitethis rule does NOT apply.

    • amalgamation: there is no ./configure file
    • needed settings must be done in the sqlite-*.mk files
  • with spatialitethis rule does NOT apply. [spatialite-users: 2014-01-02]

    • you must adapt the ./configure depending on the GEOS-related settings
      • GEOS < 3.3.0
        • ./configure --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host=arm-linux-eabi
          • please note: these versions are nowadays completely obsolete and always impliy: --disable-geosadvanced=yes
      • GEOS 3.3.x
        • ./configure --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host=arm-linux-eabi
          • but always implies: --disable-geostrunk=yes
      • GEOS > 3.4.x
        • ./configure --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host=arm-linux-eabi
          --enable-geosadvanced=yes --enable-geostrunk=yes
          • (e.g. suppprting the Delaunay Triangulation)
    • for Android, it may be better to set this in the spatialite-*.mk files
      • at the moment I am glad that it works at all
  • version shown in geopaparazzi:

    • [javasqlite[20120209],spatialite[4.1.1],proj4[Rel. 4.8.0, 6 March 2012],

    geos[3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921], spatialite_properties[HasIconv[1],HasMathSql[1],HasGeoCallbacks[0],HasProj[1], HasGeos[1],HasGeosAdvanced[1],HasGeosTrunk[1],HasLwGeom[0], HasLibXML2[0],HasEpsg[1],HasFreeXL[0]]]

Compiling and expected results:

  • assuming the platform tools are in your path:
    • my settings in .bashrcare:

export ANDROID_BASE=~/000_links/gnu_source/adt-bundle-linux export ANDROID_HOME=$ANDROID_BASE/sdk export PATH=$PATH$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$ANDROID_HOME/tools export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_BASE/android-ndk-r9c export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java export ANT_HOME=$ANDROID_BASE/apache-ant export PATH=$PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin

  • ndk-build in the libjsqlite-spatialite-android/spatialite-android-library/jni directory

    • otherwise use a construction such as:
     NDK_DIR=/home/mj10777/gnu_source/adt-bundle-linux/android-ndk-r9c ndk-build
  • should bring out the following results :

ndk-build -B
Compile thumb  : jsqlite <= sqlite_jni.c
Compile thumb  : sqlite <= sqlite3.c
StaticLibrary  : libsqlite.a
Compile thumb  : spatialite <= dxf_load_distinct.c
bla,bla,bla,bla ....
Compile++ x86    : geos <= Profiler.cpp
StaticLibrary  : libgeos.a
SharedLibrary  : libjsqlite.so
Install        : libjsqlite.so => libs/x86/libjsqlite.so
  • libs should have 3 directories : armeabi armeabi-v7a x86
    • each with one libjsqlite.so of about 5.7 MB in size
      • these directories should copied to:
        • geopaparazzi/geopaparazzispatialitelibrary/libs
    • a archived copy of these libs can be found in archive/20140105.libjsqlite.4.1.1.tar.bz2
  • obj/local should have 3 directories : armeabi armeabi-v7a x86
    • each with one libjsqlite.so and 5 .afiles
      • libgeos.a libiconv.a libproj.a libspatialite.a libsqlite.a
    • and one objs directory with many sub-directories * all of which are no longer not needed [and ignored by git]


  • after ndk-build clean
    • libs will still have 3 directories : armeabi armeabi-v7a x86
      • each should be empty
    • obj/local will still have 3 directories : armeabi, armeabi-v7a and x86
      • each with one libjsqlite.so and 5 .a files but no objs directory

Adding new project sources:

  • original archiv should be stored in archive
    • sample: a new version of proj4 will soon come out
      • possibly called proj-4.9.0.tar.gz --> store in archive
        • unpack archiv into libjsqlite-spatialite-android/spatialite-android-library/jni
          • run:
            • ./configure --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host=arm-linux-eabi
              • inside the new directory proj-4.9.0
            • ./configure often creates files needed by the project to compile properly
              • if you recieve a No such file or directory, this can be the cause
            • the project settings are done in the something.mkfile
              • and not with ./configure, so no further parameters are needed
        • make a copy of proj4-4.8.0.mk as proj4-4.9.0.mk
          • check which files have been remove or added
            • adapt as needed, including specfic settings normaly done with ./configure

Known portions of the project that do not work:

  • Android_3.0.1.mk (Spatialite 3.0.1)

    • based on 'spatialite-for-android-3.0.1.zip'
      • I could not get this to compile [geos: geom/CoordinateArraySequenceFactory.cpp]
        • it would be nice to get this working, since geopaparazzi uses this at the moment
          • version shown in geopaparazzi:
            • javasqlite[20120209],spatialite[3.0.1],proj4[Rel. 4.7.1, 23 September 2009],geos[3.2.2-CAPI-1.6.2],exception[? not a spatialite database, or spatialite < 4 ?]]
  • iconv-1.14.mk

    • using directory libiconv-1.14
      • recieves:
        • libiconv-1.14/libcharset/lib/localcharset.c:51:24: fatal error:
                  langinfo.h: No such file or directory
          • it is not being used
  • jsqlite-20131124.mk

    • from http://www.ch-werner.de/javasqlite/
    • using directory javasqlite-20131124
      • the final result is only about 10% of the expected size
        • it is not being used
  • Android_4.0.0.mk (Spatialite 4.0.0)

    • has not been tested yet, since this version is being skipped
      • recieves
        • libspatialite-4.0.0/src/spatialite/spatialite.c:22549:
                  error: undefined reference to 'virtualtext_extension_init'

Notes: when the use of ndk-build clean fails:

  • This is a bug in ndk r8e. Works correctly in r9c
    • How to fix it:
      • Edit the file $(ndk_dir)build/core/build-binary.mk
      • Change the line

$(cleantarget): PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES := ($(my)OBJS) to $(cleantarget): PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES := $($(my)OBJS) * after that it should work correctly

Clean: geos [armeabi]
Clean: gnustl_shared [armeabi]
Clean: gnustl_static [armeabi]
Clean: iconv [armeabi]
Clean: jsqlite [armeabi]
Clean: proj [armeabi]
Clean: spatialite [armeabi]
Clean: sqlite [armeabi]
Clean: geos [armeabi-v7a]
Clean: proj [x86]
Clean: spatialite [x86]
Clean: sqlite [x86]
  • it is important to use ndk-build clean before making major configuration changes
    • avoids something in the project getting confused ...
