
To save valuable work.

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wget -r -k -E -np www.wolfgang-ehrhardt.de


(Automated translation).

At the beginning of this year Wolfgang Ehrhardt aka Gammatester
passed away.

Some of you - especially those who have dealt with encryption and
some more complicated mathematical procedures - may still be remembered.

Wolfgang was my colleague for about two decades. In the meantime, I
learned from him what precision work means (unfortunately I can not
do it myself in this consequence - no chance). "Convenient" shortcuts
at the expense of clean code or even half-baked solutions were an 
abomination to him - because he could also get a little angry.

From his pension, he could now spend just under two years of his love
for mathematics and Pascal. He had decided to put math and current
encryption techniques into clean, efficient Pascal code.

I do not know how long his website www.wolfgang-ehrhardt.de will be 
online. If you want to try your Pascal code on math, cryptography, etc.,
you should look around there. Wolfgang has provided his code with a very
generous license so that no one should have trouble using the code in 
his projects.

He has also made sure that his code is compilable in Turbo-Pascal, Delphi
and Free-Pascal. For example, last year he optimized his code for use on
the Raspberry.

I would have liked to see what he would have had for us Pascal friends.
And I would have liked to drink one or two beers with him. It shows again
that you can not postpone anything ... Wolfgang, that was too early!
