
A code have been modified by Kevin for a music bot. Using a module.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Some chill music bot with free filter features!

Filters example like: 8D, Gate, haas, Phaser, Treble, Vibrato, Reverse, Karaoke, Flanger, Mcompand, Pulsator, SubBoost, BassBoost, Vaporwave, Nightcore, Normalizer, Surrounding.

Discord Npm


Bot debug, ping, botinfo

Music clear-queue, filter, listfilters, loop, nowplaying, pause, play, queue, resume, search, shuffle, skip, stop, volume

Filters 8D, gate, haas, phaser, treble, tremolo, vibrato, reverse, karaoke, flanger, mcompand, pulsator, subboost, bassboost, vaporwave, nightcore, normalizer, surrounding, fadein, mono


Well, let's start by downloading the code. Go to the folder config then the file bot.js. For the bot to be able to start, please complete the file with your credentials as follows :

  • For emojis
emojis: {
        off: ':x:',
        error: ':warning:',
        queue: ':card_box:',
        music: ':musical_note:',
        success: ':white_check_mark:',

    discord: {
        token: '',
        prefix: 'PREFIX HERE',
        activity: '[PREFIX]help | ',
        developer: 'YOUR USER ID',
        permissions: 'BOT_PERMISSIONS'
  • token, the token of the bot available on the Discord Developers section.
  • prefix, the prefix that will be set to use the bot.
  • activity, the activity of the bot. [joined] Servers.
  • developer, the developer of the bot. place your USER_ID!
  • permissions, the bot permissions for the music bot.

In the console, type npm install to install all dependencies.

  • To start the bot:
#With Node
node index.js
npm start #Indicated in package.json

#With pm2
pm2 start index.js --name "MusicBot"

All you have to do is turn on your bot!


Thank you for coming here, don't forget to invite, vote, and support K V N Music! We are sorry if there are words that are not pleasing. Stay save & Stay healty guys!