Why I Autha...

I'm sorry for the name

Getting Started

Use this template to get started.

Learning Objectives

  • Use OAuth to create & log in users
  • Use Express middleware to ensure requests are authenticated
  • Use cookies to store user data
  • Use JWTs for storing user data in cookies
  • Sign & verify JWTs to ensure validitity
  • Utilize GitHub OAuth for authentication


You've been selected to interview at GitHub for a Software Developer position. As part of the interview process, you've been asked to build an authentication system that uses GitHub's OAuth.

You've been provided a template that contains an API and some tests, but needs two of the routes implemented: /api/v1/github/login and /api/v1/github/login/callback.

In order to complete those routes, you'll need to implement the methods in the /utils/github.js file.

You will need to create an OAuth app on GitHub for this deliverable

Acceptance Criteria

  • User is redirected to the GitHub authorization page when visiting /api/v1/github/login
  • /api/v1/github/login/callback implements the GitHub OAuth flow to get a user's profile information (namely login, avatar, and email)
    • Upon getting the profile information, find the existing GithubUser by their username
      • If one doesn't exist, create it
    • Create a JWT with that user's information
    • Set the JWT in a server-side cookie, then redirect the user to /api/v1/github/dashboard


Task Points
/api/v1/github/login implemented 1
/api/v1/github/login/callback implemented 2
exchangeCodeForToken implemented 2
getGithubProfile implemented 2
Logging in sets a server-side cookie 1
Existing tests pass 2