
Built from scratch portfolio using React.js and Tailwind CSS that outlines my journey as a software developer and showcases my agile sprint projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This template is a modified version of our React Template. It provides a way to use Tailwind CSS classes for styling React components by using just classNames and no custom CSS.

Getting Started

Click "Use this template" to create a new repo with your user as the owner. Then clone down the newly created repo and get hacking!

Differences from the React Template

Currently, this template only supports CSS modules if the CSS filename matches *.module.css. What this means is that when you want to use custom styles for a component — and you don't want those styles applied globally — you'll need to create a MyComponent.module.css file, import it, and then use the CSS class names as the properties of your imported stylesheet in your JSX:

Tailwind Template

/* MyComponent.module.css */
.myCustomCssClass {
 font-family: monospace;
// MyComponent.jsx
import styles from './MyComponent.module.css'

export default function MyComponent() {
  return (
    <h1 className={`text-white ${styles.myCustomCssClass}`}>
      Hello, World!