

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The One API Challenge

Use this repo as your template.

Learning Objectives

  • On load, use fetch to hit a GET endpoint, get all items, and set state and update the view using the response.
  • Locate data, paging, and metadata in a REST response
  • Use useEffect hook with a dependency array to retrieve data when a component first mounts
  • Use .map to change the shape of an array of data
  • Create the illusion of multiple pages in a Single Page Application routes by using react-router.


For this deliverable, you will be fetching data from the Lord of the Rings API and then using array methods to transform the data into different formats. Often when we receive data from a backend, its not exactly the format we need. This deliverable will allow you to practice data transformations.

More details on the exact shape required can be found in App.js

Additionally you will be creating two routes using React Router

  • /films which should display the <FilmList /> component and pass the films state variable as a prop
  • /characters which should display the <CharacterList /> component and pass the characters state variable as a prop

Final pages should look like this

Acceptance Criteria

  • Films route shows the list of films
  • Characters route shows the list of characters


Task Points
Films route 5
Characters route 5