
Cryptocurrency arbitrage

Primary LanguagePython


Decrypt the exchange API information via: ..

python ./src/kohuhu/encryption.py --decrypt api_credentials.json.encrypted

Encrypt it again via: ..

python ./src/kohuhu/encryption.py --encrypt api_credentials.json -o=api_credentials.json.encrypted

If you get sick of bash not auto-completing Python scripts, from the Python env, run: ..

activate-global-python-argcomplete --user

The directory structure for src and test code following the reccomendations here:



pytest is the framework used used for testing.

tox is used to manage tests and their environment.

Running tests

Run the tests:


Alternative, from the directory, test:


If you want to print std output of a test, run:

pytest -s

I'm not sure how to pass this argument to pytest from tox yet.

Run a single test file like so:

pytest ./test/test_encryption.py

Possible install of kohuhu needed

Installing kohuhu is needed run the tests if you use the pytest option. Install kohuhu in development mode via either:

# Install the current directory and allow edits.
pip install -e .
python setup.py develop

However, it seems to work without doing this. Regardless, I've added git ignore entries for the directories that those install commands would create, just incase we do need it.