
Code for paper "Spike distance function as a learning objective for spike prediciton"

Primary LanguagePython

Code for the paper "Spike distance function as a learning objective for spike prediction". (project page) (ICML 2024 paper)


Install the local package retinapy:

pip install ./retinapy


Dependencies include:

- Python (>=3.10)
- Cuda (>=11.8) 

Pip dependencies are specified in ./retinapy/setup.py. A frozen set of Pip requirements is listed in requirements_snapshot.txt.

Recreate results

All below commands are run from the project root directory.

1. Prepare data

Extract the data with:

tar -xzf ./data/chicken_2021_08_17.tar.gz --directory ./data/
tar -xzf ./data/frog_2022_04_29.tar.gz --directory ./data/

The provided data includes the subset of the cells used in the experiments. The data for all cells is larger. The full chicken data is provided with the publication by Seifert et al (2023). The full frog data is available on request. The code used to filter out cells is included in pybin/filter_cells.py.

2 Training

Train the models on both datasets.

Distance array model:

python ./retinapy/src/retinapy/spikeprediction.py --config ./recreate_results/train_dist_chicken.yml
python ./retinapy/src/retinapy/spikeprediction.py --config ./recreate_results/train_dist_frog.yml

Poisson models:

python ./retinapy/src/retinapy/spikeprediction.py --config ./recreate_results/train_poisson_chicken.yml
python ./retinapy/src/retinapy/spikeprediction.py --config ./recreate_results/train_poisson_frog.yml

3. Evaluation

Evaluate the models on both datasets.

Distance array model:


Poisson models:


Zero-spike model (control):


Run everything

All the above commands are combined in the script:


Code summary

The code to recreate the experiments sits within a larger project.

For this paper, the relevant PyTorch modules are in retinapy/models.py:

- the distance array module uses `CnnUNet3` 
- the Poisson model uses `PoissonNet2` 

The training entry point is in spikeprediction.py; a TrainableGroup creates a Trainable which contains a model:

- `DistfieldUnet2` creates a `SingleDistTrainable` with a `CnnUNet3`.
- `PoissonNet2` creates a `PoissonTrainable` with a `PoissonNet2`.

Calculation of and inference from spike distance arrays is handled in retinapy/spikedistance.py.

Batch inference for the three model types (Poisson, distance and zero-spike control) is carried out in pybin/infer_poisson.py, pybin/infer_dist.py and pybin/infer_zero_model.py. The inference produces Polars dataframes, saved in Parquet files.


Functionality beyond recreating the results may need additional packages. The Dockerfile ./Dockerfile creates an image that was used in development and contains many more dependencies.

Run ./scripts/builddocker to build an image.

Run ./scripts/runcmd "<cmd>" to create a container and run a bash command.

For example:

./scripts/runcmd "python ./retinapy/src/retinapy/spikeprediction.py --config ./recreate_results/train_dist_chicken.yml"