
CircuitPython code for pyportal titano to control supercables current source

Primary LanguagePython

Repo for pyportal titano code that will be used for controlling 8 channel current source

To be used in conjunction with code in this repo: https://github.com/saewoonam/webserial-current-source

Code in the qt_py folder works... Other code is still in development

  • This code has been written for the Adafruit QT PY board. But, it will also work on the titano.
  • It uses a different DAC. Code for the 8 channel DAC needs to be added
  • Installation

    • Make sure circuitpython is installed, if not follow these instructions
    • Copy contents of qt_py folder into the "CIRCUITPY" disk that represents the flash storage on the microcontroller
    • Reset the device by hitting the reset button on the back or unplug/plug board back in to USB port

Description of folders:

  • adafruit-circuitpython-bundle-6.x-mpy-20201126: has circuit python 6 libraries that correspond to uf2 file
  • titano_cpy_v5: files from titano board that worked with v5 of circuit python
  • titano_cpy_v6: files from titano board that worked wtih v6 of circuit python

Things to do

  • write instructions on how to install code on to bare titano
  • Add python code to set current by talking to DAC chip... Difficulty level: easy
  • write to DAC.txt file on SD card everytime DAC values are changed... Difficulty level: medium
  • Add on/off button for all channels of the current source... Difficulty level: hard



useful links: