
A simple js router designed to solve one problem outside of any other frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

npm (scoped) Travis (.org) David


A simple js router designed to solve one problem outside of any other frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue


npm install --save @kevindurb/router


import { router } from '@kevindurb/router';

const app = router();

app.add('/people', () => {
  console.log('showing people!');

app.add('/people/:id', ({ id }) => {
  console.log('load person with id: ', id);

app.exec('/people/256'); // load person with id: 256
app.exec('/people'); // showing people!


onMatch and offMatch let you add a listener for ANY route matches. You can also pass strings in instead of callbacks as the second argument to add that get passed into your onMatch callback. This works great with setting the current route in a global store like redux or setState in react.

import { router } from '@kevindurb/router';

const app = router();

app.add('/people', 'PEOPLE');
app.add('/people/:id', 'PERSON');

app.onMatch((key, params) => {
  switch (key) {
    case 'PERSON':
      console.log('person! ', params.id);
    case 'PEOPLE':

app.exec('/people/256'); // person! 256
app.exec('/people'); // people!!


pathFromRoute will let you dry up your code with reproducable routes

import { router, pathFromRoute } from '@kevindurb/router';

const PERSON_ROUTE = '/people/:id';

const app = router();

app.add(PERSON_ROUTE, (params) => {
  console.log('person! ', params.id)

app.exec(pathFromRoute(PERSON_ROUTE, { id: 256 })); // person! 256

Usage with history package

npm install --save history
import createHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory';
import { router, historyMount } from '@kevindurb/router';

const history = createHistory();
const app = router();

app.add('/people', () => {
  console.log('showing people!');

app.add('/people/:id', ({ id }) => {
  console.log('load person with id: ', id);


history.push('/people/65'); // load person with id: 65