Manning liveProject - Six Small Algorithm Projects with Go (Rod Stephens)

Testing project as beta tester, thanks!

To run:

$ go run 1-1-bubble-sort/main.go

where run 1-1-bubble-sort is the folder corresponding to the workflow/milestone.


  1. Sorting and Searching
    1. Bubble sort
    2. Quick sort
    3. Counting sort
    4. Linear search
    5. Binary search
  2. Linked data structure
    1. Linked lists
    2. Loops
    3. Doubly-linked lists
    4. Trees
    5. Sorted binary trees
  3. Recursion
    1. Factorials
    2. Fibonacci
    3. Dynamic Fibonacci
    4. The Knight's tour
    5. The N Queens Problem
    6. The N Queens Problem, redux
    7. The tower of Hanoi
  4. Hash Tables
    1. Chaining
    2. Linear probing
    3. Removing
    4. Quadratic probing
    5. Double hashing
  5. Public Key Cryptography with RSA
    1. Calculate GCD and LCM
    2. Perform fast exponentiation
    3. Build a sieve of Eratosthenes
    4. Build an Euler's sieve
    5. Factor numbers
    6. Primality
    7. Implement RSA