
A multi threaded S3 file chunk uploader which bypasses local file system and pipes the file directly to S3

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

S3 Chunk Uploader

A Django file handler to manage piping uploaded files directly to S3 without passing through the server's file system. The uploader uses multiple threads to speed up the upload of larger files. This package relies on Django and Django-Storages, allowing the use of the S3 storages FileField but changes the upload behaviour to bypass local file system.

Quick start

  1. Install the package:

    pip install s3chunkuploader

  2. Set the Django FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS setting:

    FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS = ('s3chunkuploader.file_handler.S3FileUploadHandler',)

How it works

The File Handler intercepts the file upload multipart request at the door, and as chunks of the file are received from the browser, they are collectd into an internal queue within custom ThreadPoolWorker. When the queue surpasses a configurable size (by default 5MB which is the minimum Part size for S3 multipart upload), it is submitted to the Thread Pool as a Future which will then resolve. Once all the chunks are uploaded and all the futures are resolved the upload is complete. By default 10 threads are used which means a 100MB file upload can be potentially sent as 20 5MB parts to S3.

The FileHandler ultimately returns a 'dummy' django-storages S3Boto3StorageFile which is compatible with the storages S3 File Field, but was not actually used to upload a full file. The file is also enhanced with two additional attributes:

original_name: The original file name uploaded file_size: The actual full file size uploaded

It is recommended to bypass csrf checks on the upload file view as the csrf check will read the POST params before the handler is used. A replacement file field S3FileField is provided in fields.py and is satisfied with the S3 object key

By default the S3 key will be generated based on the settings provided. However, it is possible to define a custom function to derive the S3 object key by providing a full dot notated path to the function in the S3_GENERATE_OBJECT_KEY_FUNCTION settings parameter.


The following settings are expected in your Django application (only 2 are required)

Setting Description
CHUNK_UPLOADER_AWS_REGION Optional. Region of S3 bucket
CHUNK_UPLOADER_S3_DOCUMENT_ROOT_DIRECTORY Optional. Document root for all uploads (prefix)
CHUNK_UPLOADER_S3_APPEND_DATETIME_ON_UPLOAD Optional [True]. Append the current datetime sring to the uploaded file name
CHUNK_UPLOADER_S3_PREFIX_QUERY_PARAM_NAME Optional [__prefix]. A query param key name which provides additional prefix for the object key on S3
CHUNK_UPLOADER_S3_MIN_PART_SIZE Optional [5MB]. The part size in bytes to upload to S3
CHUNK_UPLOADER_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE Optional [None]. The maximum file size in bytes for an individual file.
CHUNK_UPLOADER_AWS_S3_REGION_NAME Optional [None]. The s3 endpoint url which overrides the default
CHUNK_UPLOADER_CLEAN_FILE_NAME Optional [False]. When True, runs the filename through Django's slugify function to sanitise it.
CHUNK_UPLOADER_S3_GENERATE_OBJECT_KEY_FUNCTION Optional [None]. A function to generate the S3 key, receiving the request object and filename as arguments.
CHUNK_UPLOADER_AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL Optional [None]. A full custom S3 endpoint url (was S3_ENDPOINT_URL in previous version)

Unit Tests

Unit tests can be executing by running python -m unittest from the projects root

Change Log

  • 0.9: The optional setting S3_ENDPOINT_URL was renamed to AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL to align with django-storages .
  • 0.10: If content_length is not provided MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE cannot evaluate against it.
  • 0.11: Prefixed settings keys