
My Neovim config, written in Lua

Primary LanguageLua

My Neovim Config

This repository contains my Neovim config, which is written in Lua. It uses lazy.nvim for managing plugins.

work in progress...

  • Make jumping to a mark also perform zz afterwards
  • Prevent comment lines being added in bash
  • Get harpoon back in here primeagen is just terry davis v2
  • Have treesitter install vimdoc by default (help menus are broken without it)
  • Prevent pattern not found from spawning a message (is this from noice?)


I build Neovim from source. To uninstall just run:

rm -f $(which nvim)


  • shellcheck
    • Required for bash-language-server to give diagnostics
  • ripgrep
    • Required for telescope to grep files
  • xclip (Linux)
    • Required for clipboard tool in Linux, in WSL, rely on powershell command and clip.exe