
Repository for Udemy course, Stripe Masterclass with React.js & Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. Postman: https://web.postman.co/workspace/New-Personal-Workspace~053bc16e-962e-4529-a973-e9d80f385c69/request/create?requestId=b2d20c61-b8b1-407e-ae0d-d231b303c5f3
  2. Stripe Docs https://stripe.com/docs/stripe-js/react https://stripe.com/docs/js/payment_intents/confirm_card_payment https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/confirm https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_methods/retrieve https://stripe.com/docs/payments/setup-intents https://stripe.com/docs/api/customers/create

Test Checkout Session Endpoint

  • localhost:8080/create-checkout-session
    "customer_email": "kg@gmail.com"

Successful Payments

  • Need to get notified when customer makes payments. Part of fulfilling order.
  • Need an automated way to be notified - this is where webhooks are used
  • "Phone number that stripe calls to notify you of activity in your account"
  • Endpoint that is used for notifications.
  • Event object with type of event and related data
  • Uses the event details to take any required actions
    • Fulfill order, payment could not be taken, etc.
  • Should delay order fulfillment until funds are available in your account
  • After payment succeeded, you can fulfill the order


  • Modifying endpoint to ensure we get the raw offer as a request object
  • Because it is publicly available, anyone can send data to it
  • We need to know that the event came from Stripe
  • Doing security setup - modifying request object. Attaching raw buffer to request object.
  • Stripe provides CLI Tool to forward events to local host tool

Stripe CLI

  • Forwarding events to endpoint/server on localhost
  • Creating an endpoint, Webhook
  • stripe listen --forward-to http://localhost:8080/webhook
  • This will initialize the stripe CLI; returns a webhook signing secret
  • In server folder, assign the webhook signing secret as an env variable
    • NOTE: Will do this in serverless backend
    • Valid for ~80 days

Setting up Webhook Endpoint

  • Used to process the event that comes from Stripe
  • After the webhook function is setup, we can then test the integration on our frontend
  • The event output is displayed in the terminal, saved as webhook_output.js
  • Would then:
    1. Send an email to the customer, sending a receipt or confirmation email
    2. Call your database backend to save the order to your DB
  • Note: This same data is available in the Payments section under Events and logs
  • Can do further steps on webhook to fulfill the order

New Section - Stripe Custom Checkout Process


  • Everything is hosted on your application; no redirecting on Stripe
  • Stripe has React components specifically for this
    • Iframes that are hosted on Stripe's service
  • Can customize stripe components
    • Take a style prop to add custom colors, font sizes

Process for Accepting Payments with Custom Checkout

  1. Make a request to set up a payment intent
  2. Create a payment intent with the Stripe API
  3. Stripe API returns payment intent, which includes client secret
  4. Frontend completes the payment process with the client secret
  5. Stripe confirms the payment status, whether it failed or was successful

Create Payment Intent Endpoint


Testing in Postman

  • Create a new POST endpoint in the postman account
  • Set URL to localhost:8080/create-payment-intent
  • Body: raw + JSON
    "cartItems": [
            "price": 35,
            "quantity": 1
            "price": 28,
            "quantity": 1
    "shipping": {
        "name": "John Smith",
        "address": {
            "line1": "10 downing street, London"
    "description": "payment intent for cart items",
    "receipt_email": "kg@gmail.com"

69 - Shipping Address Component

import { Formik } from 'formik';

  1. Components for:
  • Shipping address
  • Custom checkout

71 - Building Custom Checkout Component

Section 6 - Setup Authentication


  • Customers sign into app and checkout as guests
  • In most cases, need to be authenticated and have an account
  • Need to be authenticated to save the payment details
  • Payment details are stored on Stripe and retrieved via API

79 - Create User Context

  • Needed to get an object that contains the signed in user
  • Subscribed to firebase onAuthChange
  • Context file in context folder called user-context.js

83 - Update Fetch from API Function

  • Include token when making request from backend
  • helpers.js - update function

84 - Create service account environment variable

  • Passing JWT token to backend
  • Want to check if user is logged in or not
  • Need to add Firebase SDK to server
  • Need to create service account key - dashboard for project
  • This is a service account - JSON file that is placed in root of server; add to gitignore
  • Creating an env var to point to the service account
  • Download service-account.json and move to root of server file
  • Firebase SDK looks for the environment variable

85 - Firebase Initialization

  • Export DB, auth objects
  • npm i firebase-admin
  • Create new file, touch firebase.js
  • Initialize firebase SDK
  • Using in API calls

86 - Auth Helper Functions

  • Decode JWT function - decode frontend token
  • Validate user - validate we have a signed in user
  • In server, create auth folder

Section 7 - Checkout Using Saved Credit Card

- 87 - Get Customer From Stripe Function

  • Updating checkout experience
  • Save customer cards to stripe account
  • Enable customer to use saved card for payment
  1. Endpoint for card save process
  2. Create customer in stripe
  • Gets customer from stripe
  • If customer does not exist, create with stripe
  • Return customers ID Both are backend
  1. Update custom checkout component to save card during payment process
  • Can then use card for future payment

- 88 - Create Setup Intent Endpoint

  • Endpoint to save customer credit card details
  1. Need to create a SetupIntent
  • Similar to creating a session and pyament intent
  • Pass a customer Id
  • On frontend, can pass credit card details to stripe directly
  1. Create endpoints for API calls in index.js
  2. Function to update payment intent
  • When saving credit card during a pyament process, we need to update a payment intent with a customer id
  • Create a function updatePaymentIntent
  1. Need to update the paymentIntent.js API
  • When we send back client secret, need to also send back the ID of the payment intent
  • On the frontend, when we want to update the payment intent, we have the ID saved
  • Can send a request to updatePaymentIntent and attach ID of payment intent


- 90 - Validate User Fix

- 91 - Show Saved Cards 1


  • Updating custom checkout component:
  1. When component mounts, check for saved cards
  • Want to load that and show above payment button
  1. Once we create markup, do setup for saving a card
  2. Then checking out / making payment with saved card

UI Logic to display saved cards

  • Select element to show saved cards

- 92 - Show Saved Cards 2

  • Give option to save the card for future purchases
  • Updating the CustomCheckout.js component
  • Adding a check button below CardCvcElement

- 93 - Save Card During Payment

- 94 - Test Saved Card

- 95 - Pay With Saved Card & Wrap Up


  • bulma
  • node-saas


29: Test Add Product Feature

  • Flow of data with React Context

Payment Gateway

  • System that takes care of payments
  • Securely accessing payment methods
  • Applying charges on your behalf Pros:
  • PCI Compliance
  • Encrypt credit card data
  • Store credit card data securely


  • One off payments
  • Recurring payments
  • Save credit cards
  • Dynamic charges based on usage
  • UI components to integrate into App


  • Active subscriptions


  • Products + Pricing structure for what you charge
  • Can be recurring, one-time charges
  • Subscriptions, invoices, checkouts


  • Breakdown of balance changes over time


  • SK: Interact with stripe API
  • Restricted Key: Limits access and permissions for different areas of account
  • CLI: Forward webhook events


  • Notify application when an event happens in your account
  • Customer's bank confirms payment
  • Customer disputes a charge
  • Recurring payment succeeds


  • Business settings: How frequently and when you are paid

Stripe Payment Flow

  • Backend to communicate with API and establish payment intents
  • Cannot be initiated via frontend
  • Webhooks cannot be sent to frontend

General Flow

  • Payments through backend
  • Makes a request by (1) creating session (2) payment intent
  • Stripe returns (1) session ID or (2) client secret
  • This is what is used to complete the purchase

Lesson - Node Setup

Main Deps

  • npm init -y
  • npm install express stripe cors

Dev Dependencies

  • npm i -D dotenv nodemon

Stripe Checkout

  • Handles all UI
  • Quickest way to accept payments
  • Limited in customization
  • Entire checkout page is hosted on Stripe
  • Want to use custom checkout for more control

Hosted Checkout Process

  • Customer selects items that they want to buy; clicks on checkout
  • Initiates a request t the backend to create a checkout session
  • On backend, session is created via Stripe
  • Stripe API responds with a session object
  • sessionID property is sent to the front end app
  • Redirects user to the hosted checkout page

Create Stripe Object on the Server

Frontend installations

  1. npm i @stripe/react-stripe-js @stripe/stripe-js
  2. Add PK as environment variable in .env file
  3. Initiate Stripe library on React app in index.js
  • Import Stripe elements
  • Import loadStripe function
  1. Wrap App with Elements component
  • Pass a prop to the Elements
  • stripe prop, passing the stripePromise
  • Now have the Stripe object in any component inside our app
  1. Add a Route for the Checkout component in App.js

Stripe Checkout Component

  • Button to take the user to the Stripe hosted page
  1. Create a helper function to send requests to the backend
  • Found in helpers.js
  • NOTE: Will be using API Gateway + Serverless here