Scala Project for Harvard Extension course CSCI E-88C, Fall, 2023. See course details at Scala for Big Data.
The project requires Java 17, Scala 2.13 and sbt 1.9.2+ environment to run.
Use the following commands to get started with your project
- Compile:
sbt compile
- Create a "fat" jar:
sbt assembly
- Run tests:
sbt test
- To install in local repo:
sbt publishLocal
To ensure clean code, run scalafmt periodically. The scalafmt configuration is defined at
For source files,
sbt scalafmt
For test files.
sbt test:scalafmt
To ensure clean code, run scalafix periodically. The scalafix rules are listed at
For source files,
sbt "scalafix RemoveUnused"
For test files.
sbt "test:scalafix RemoveUnused"
Copyright 2023, Edward Sumitra
Licensed under the MIT License.