Lottery Data Scraper

This Python application scrapes data from the California Lottery archive website and extracts the winning numbers for the desired lottery game within a specified date range. This app utilizes Selenium for dynamic web scraping and BeautifulSoup for parsing HTML content.


Install the required packages using:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Update path to chromedriver in


To scrape the winning Powerball numbers for a specific duration (in months), you can use the following command:

python src/ --type powerball --months <number_of_months>

Alternatively, you can specify the duration in years using the --years option:

python src/ --type powerball --years <number_of_years>


To view the available options and usage information, you can use the --help option:

python src/ --help


Run the following script to combine the monthly json files into 1 file for analysis.

python src/

Run the following to specify a name for the output file using the --outname option.

python src/ --outname <output_file_name>