
a template repo for my python cli projects, just to speed things up

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


a template repo for my python cli projects, just to speed things up. The template project has support for a config file, argument parsing, command-line and file logging. The project also uses Black for cleaning up, PyLint for linting, PyTest for testing and mypy for type-checking. It also includes the start of makefile.

It does not include any support for documentation, packaging or anything else yet, because I don't tend to do that for these types of projects, but I may add that in the future.

To get things going, you can

make init
source venv/bin/activate
make all
  • the template.py and test_template.py files should be renamed for a new project
  • _CONFIG_FILE and _LOG_FILE constants should be updated
  • add your business logic in main()