
JS SDK for Bifrost.


<script src="bifrost.min.js"></script>


Bifrost.Session.constructor(params) => Bifrost.Session

Represents Bifrost session with params parameters.

params is an object with the following fields:

Name Possible Values Description
network test or live Stellar network to use
issuingPublicKey Stellar public key Public key of issuing account
assetCode string Asset code of token to sell, ex. TOKE
price string Maximum price of 1 assetCode token (in BTC or ETH depending which start* method is used)
bifrostURL string URL of Bifrost server
horizonURL string URL of Horizon server (do not use SDF's servers!)
horizonAllowHttp boolean (Optional) If set to true allows HTTP connections to Horizon server. Useful for testing.
preSaleMode boolean (Optional) If set to true, BTC/ETH tokens will not be traded to assetCode. User will end up with BTC/ETH in their Stellar account.


var params = {
  network: 'test',
  horizonURL: '',
  bifrostURL: 'http://localhost:8000',
  assetCode: 'TOKE',
  price: '1',
  preSaleMode: false,

var session = new Bifrost.Session(params);

Bifrost.Session.startBitcoin(onEvent) => Promise

Starts Bitcoin session and returns a promise that resolves with Bitcoin address where to send funds and Stellar keypair. Once the session is started, no other session can be created using the same object. You need to create a new one.


session.startBitcoin(onEvent).then({address, keypair} => {
  document.getElementById("address").innerText = "Waiting for a transaction...";
  document.getElementById("address").innerText = address;
  document.getElementById("public-key").innerText = keypair.publicKey();
  document.getElementById("secret").innerText = keypair.secret();

onEvent description can be found in the section below.

Bifrost.Session.startEthereum(onEvent) => Promise

Starts Ethereum session and returns a promise that resolves with Ethereum address where to send funds and Stellar keypair. Once the session is started, no other session can be created using the same object. You need to create a new one.


session.startEthereum(onEvent).then({address, keypair} => {
  document.getElementById("address").innerText = "Waiting for a transaction...";
  document.getElementById("address").innerText = address;
  document.getElementById("public-key").innerText = keypair.publicKey();
  document.getElementById("secret").innerText = keypair.secret();

onEvent description can be found in the section below.

onEvent(event, data)

onEvent function you pass to startBitcoin or startEthereum function accepts one parameter event described below:

event data Description
Bifrost.AccountCreatedEvent none Sent when account is created
Bifrost.TrustLinesCreatedEvent none Sent when trust line is created
Bifrost.AccountCreditedEvent none Sent when account is credited
Bifrost.PurchasedEvent (This will not be triggered in preSaleMode) none Sent when token is purchased
Bifrost.ErrorEvent Error object Sent when asynchronous, non-recoverable error occured


function onEvent(event, data) {
  if (event == Bifrost.TransactionReceivedEvent) {
    setStatus("Transaction received, creating account...");
  } else if (event == Bifrost.AccountCreatedEvent) {
    setStatus("Account created, creating trust lines...");
  } else if (event == Bifrost.TrustLinesCreatedEvent) {
    setStatus("Trust lines created, waiting for tokens...");
  } else if (event == Bifrost.AccountCreditedEvent) {
    setStatus("Account credited, exchanging...");
  } else if (event == Bifrost.PurchasedEvent) {
    setStatus("Congrats! TOKE purchased.");
  } else if (event == Bifrost.ErrorEvent) {
    // Send `data` to the log server.