
Example actors, capability providers, and other demonstrations

Primary LanguageRust


Example actors, capability providers, and other demonstrations

  • echo - An actor that returns a JSON payload describing the incoming request
  • subscriber - A simple actor that logs every message it receives to stdout
  • kvcounter - An actor that uses the key-value store to increment a counter and return a value for every HTTP request it receives
  • keyvalue-provider - A sample in-memory Key-Value Store capability provider, used by the tutorial for creating a new capability provider
  • inmemory-streams - An example illustrating an in-memory wascc:eventstreams provider
  • extras - A sample illustrating the use of the wascc:extras capability for random number, Guid, and sequence number generation.
  • multibinding - An example illustrating the use of named bindings to support multiple, differentiable instances of the same capability provider type.

To run these, go to the root directory of the wascc-host project and issue the following command:

$ cargo run --example (example name)

You'll see the examples in the examples directory.