Purdue University ECE 362 Mini-Project.
- welcome message and display animation
- 'introduction()'
- method of verifying connection between Tx-Rx
- infinite while loop
while (1)
if (state == 0)//initializing
state =1;
if (tim2_flag==1)//interrupt driven
tim2_flag=0;//clear flag
if (count == 7)//about a half second (may need to change this #)
count = 0;//reset counter to 0
if (adc_reading <= 2000)//if laser was on photodiode, 2000 was easily broken
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOC,GPIO_PIN_7);//toggle the red led
else if (adc_reading >= 2000)//photodiode connected to laser
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOC,GPIO_PIN_7,GPIO_PIN_SET);//set red led to ON
else//increment count
count = count+1;//increment timer
- Bradford Hawthorne
- Kevin Hunckler
- Sahil Bhalla
- Andrew St. Pierre