
A Set of reusable gauge components for use in React applications

Primary LanguageTypeScript



This library provides a set of reusable gauge components for use in React applications.


To install the library, run the following command:

npm install react-gauges


To use the library in your React application, import the desired gauge component and pass in the necessary props. Here's an example of how to use the SimpleGauge component:


import { SimpleGauge } from "react-gauges";

function App() {
  return (
      <SimpleGauge value={50} />


import { SimpleGauge } from "react-gauges";

function App() {
  return (
      <SimpleGauge value={50} borderType="square" indicatorVisible={false} />


import { SimpleGauge } from "react-gauges";

function App() {
  return (
      <SimpleGauge value={50} isTotal={true} />


Option type Description Example
value number The value to display on the gauge value={75}
minLimit number The minimum value of the gauge minLimit={0}
maxLimit number The maximum value of the gauge maxLimit={100}
barColor string The color of the gauge bar barColor="#00ff00"
barBaseColor string The color of the gauge bar base barBaseColor="#000000"
barWidth number The width of the gauge bar barWidth={10}
labelColor string The color of the gauge label labelColor="#000000"
labelFontSize string The font size of the gauge label labelFontSize="1rem"
labelFontFamily string The font family of the gauge label labelFontFamily="Arial"
labelFontWeight string The font weight of the gauge label labelFontWeight="bold"
labelTemplate string The template of the gauge label labelTemplate="{value}%"
indicatorColor string The color of the gauge indicator indicatorColor="#000000"
indicatorVisible boolean Whether or not the gauge indicator is visible indicatorVisible={true}
isTotal boolean Whether or not the gauge is a total isTotal={true}
borderType string The type of border, "round", "square", "butt" borderType="square"


MIT © kevinjpuscan