
About us

  🧑 James Lee    Github
  👩 Elena Kim    Github

We are very ordinary developers, so we need to communicate with you.
You can always share information with us and we are looking forward to it.

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License Policy

MIT license GPLv3 license


What is the Markdown?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. John Gruber and Aaron Swartz created Markdown in 2004 as a markup language that is appealing to human readers in its source code form. Markdown is widely used in blogging, instant messaging, online forums, collaborative software, documentation pages, and readme files.

Where can we use Markdown?

  • Github
  • Bitbucket
  • Reddit
  • Diaspora
  • Stack Exchange
  • DotNetDev
  • ETC...

How to use Markdown?

1. Header

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6

Header 1 and Header 2 are same as below.

Header 1
Header 2

Header 1

Header 2

2. Paragraph

2.1 New Line

  • <br />
  • space keypress twice
Hello, <br /> world!


Hello, world!



2.2 Horizon

* * *



- - -


3. List

3.1 Unordered : -, *, +

- Unordered
  - hyphen
    - hyphen
  * asterisks
    + plus
    + plus
  • Unordered
    • hyphen
      • hyphen
    • asterisks
      • plus
      • plus

3.2 Ordered : number

1. First
1. Second
1. Third
    1. First
    1. Second
    1. Third
  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third
    1. First
    2. Second
    3. Third

4. Emphasis

*Italic* or _Italic_  
**Bold** or __Bold__
**_Italic_ and Bold**

Italic or Italic
Bold or Bold
Italic and Bold

5. Block Quote

> Write a block quote.
>> You can make nested block quote.
>>> theeasiestmarkdown

Write a block quote.

You can make nested block quote.


6. Code

6.1 Inline Code

For example, `MessageBox.Show("The Easiest Markdown!")`.

For example, MessageBox.Show("The Easiest Markdown!").

6.2 Code Block

6.2.1 Indent

For example, 

    MessageBox.Show("The Easiest Markdown!"). 
Enter space four times or press tab.

For example,

MessageBox.Show("The Easiest Markdown!"). 

Enter space four times or press tab.

6.2.2 Multiline

public ICommand Command
    get { return (ICommand)this.GetValue(CommandProperty); }
    set { this.SetValue(CommandProperty, value); }

public ICommand Command
    get { return (ICommand)this.GetValue(CommandProperty); }
    set { this.SetValue(CommandProperty, value); }

6.2.3 Code Highlight

public ICommand Command
    get { return (ICommand)this.GetValue(CommandProperty); }
    set { this.SetValue(CommandProperty, value); }

public ICommand Command
    get { return (ICommand)this.GetValue(CommandProperty); }
    set { this.SetValue(CommandProperty, value); }

7. Link

7.1 Inline Link

**Octocat** [:octocat:]( 

Octocat :octocat:

7.2 Url & Email

- DevNcore:
- Stackoverflow : <>
- DevNcoreOfficial : <>

7.3 Reference

Stackoverflow [Click Here][home]

[home]: "Come and join stackoverflow"

Stackoverflow Click Here

8. Images

8.1 Connect Link



8.2 Resize

<img src="/images/github_octocat.png" width="300" height="300"></img><br />
<img src="/images/github_octocat.png" width="200" height="200"></img>

9. Table

|Title                  |Actor                                        |Opening Date|
|Black Widow            |Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh            |2021.04.29  |
|Eternals               |Christopher Catesby Harington, Angelina Jolie|2021.02.12  |
|Spider-Man: No Way Home|Tom Holland, Jamie Foxx, Tobey Maguire       |2021.12.17  |
Title Actor Opening Date
Black Widow Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh 2021.04.29
Eternals Christopher Catesby Harington, Angelina Jolie 2021.02.12
Spider-Man: No Way Home Tom Holland, Jamie Foxx, Tobey Maguire 2021.12.17

10. CheckBox

- [ ] To do
- [x] Done
  • To do
  • Done

11. Backslash Escapes

Markdown allows you to use backslash escapes to generate literal characters which would otherwise have special meaning in Markdown’s formatting syntax.

\*literal asterisks\*

*literal asterisks*

Markdown provides backslash escapes for the following characters:
\ backslash        () parentheses
` backtick          # hash mark
* asterisk          _ underscore
{} curly braces    [] square brackets
+ plus sign         - minus sign (hyphen)
. dot               ! exclamation mark

12. Youtube Video Link

Markdown does not support video embed by default, but you can use images to link YouTube video.

[![Black Widow](]( 

Fp9pNPdNwjI is the unique address of the video and you can check the YouTube video link.

And there are some size options.

/default, /1, /2, /3

Black Widow
Black Widow
Black Widow
Black Widow


Black Widow


Black Widow


Black Widow


Black Widow

✔️ You can also specify the start point of the video when the image is clicked.

Just add ?t= followed by The unique code of the video link.


[![Black Widow](](  

Black Widow


[![Black Widow](](

Black Widow


[![The Greatest Showman](](

The Greatest Showman

13. Collapsible Section

  <summary>Click to expand!</summary>

  ## Heading
  > `tag`
  1. A numbered
  2. list
     * With some
     * Sub bullets  

    Console.WriteLine(Hello World!);
Click to expand!



  1. A numbered
  2. list
    • With some
    • Sub bullets
Console.WriteLine(Hello World!);

99. ETC

99.1 Emoji

:+1: :metal: :octocat:

👍 🤘 :octocat:

You can check emoji-cheat-sheet in here.

99.2 Badge

[![MIT license](](
[![GPLv3 license](](
[![Github all releases](](

MIT license GPLv3 license Github all releases